Mental difference on Paleo diet

I’m five days in … all meals 2/3 veggies + 1/3 meat. Fruits and almonds for snacks. Only water.

Something’s different… I don’t feel this “impure” feeling I did before. I feel more “organized”, like my life finally has some order in it.

I’m not weighing myself until I can see a four pack again. I will post before/afters on the site in 6 months or so.


good on you…diet is very important. :heart:
take care :alien:

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**Eating well is SO important!
You are doing great! :ok_woman: **

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I was trying " The Eat to Live" plan by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It made a lot of sense. (the book I mean). I started to follow but only ended side tracked by temptations of what my parents purchased to eat.( brownies, etc, etc, etc…) I find myself waking up at night because of my diet eating what I’m tempted by during the day. It was not that way when I was on the plan which was brief but it was spectacular because I ate right and as it turns out I slept better.(when I ate right). My cousin sent me books by Dr. Fuhrman to read more about his diet. I just have to read the rest of them and Strictly follow the diet. Here I go again but this time I will stick to the plan. It’s costing my sleep and I can’t have that.

can’t wait to see you get more awesome, you’re awesome but it’s gonna get better :relaxed:

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Lost 15 pounds now, in just under a month. Paleo my friends… paleo.


Good for you, I’m gonna cut on the dairy. Not sure if I can cut the potatoes though, it’s all I have left to cut to do the paleo diet. I lost 2kg this last month.

When I was an avid lifter I did paleo for years. It’s good for cutting, yes.

However, I feel at my best - mentally - on a meat-free diet. Lacto-Vegetarianism is the way for me, but it’s hard to stay on course as I built about 40 lbs of muscle on meat-eating & dairy. Cutting foods out is unsafe when your lean mass is that high… so I’m like 99% vegetarian, really.

I am back on the paleo diet and already famished since starting several hours ago when I weighed myself.

I’m having one cheat meal a week, that’s it.