Is that a new trend…
yes, and it always bothers me…so many people pierced up…freaks me out.
Tooo much isn’t good. But men with nose studs? Goooood
He looks le he needs to wipe his nose at first glance.
I can take it or leave it, no preference really, as long as the person wearing it is comfortable, I pierced my friends nose back in the mid 80’s at the hair salon I worked at, she asked me to,I thought it was cute.
I dobn’t understand how they don’t catch the piercing’s on their clothes and stuff.
I don’t now who he is… but thought it suited him now I think I need to give him tissue. But before I do I’m gonna go sleep. Night
@anon1571434 I love you
Please respond to my personal message
I think women with nose rings or studs are in if you know what I mean.
(is anyone offended by the crazy face emoji?)
I only said that because I think that you have one but don’t remember. Also I know nothing of fashion so this gave me something to say.
I think piercings look good on many men and women. I wonder though if nose rings could accidentally get ripped out, like if they get caught on something.
Happened to my brother…wait I don’t have a brother
I used to be friends with this cool punk-rocker dude and he had like over 20 piercings, I think. He had a lot.
Anyways I used to always joke with him and say “Is it your goal to fail every metal detector in the world?”
I was j/k with him though and he knew. He was a real cool dude.
I don’t think I would ever get a piercing just because someone could use it as a weapon against me. Pulling on that would not end well.
I associate lip/septum etc piercings with herpes
Me getting one wasn’t s fashion statement. I got it because I wanted to as part of tradition. Majority of Indian ladies ,particularly the old ones have it or wore it.
When my cousins came to visit from india , they absolutely detested the idea of getting it. Maybe rebellion but to each their own. I like wearing mine though. I’m not fully tradional minded but owtwardly and often in my mannerisms I come across traditional Indian.
Maybe that’s why Indian women like me as a match for their kids than the sons themselves lol
That’s why I only wear studs. Lol. Don’t know why anyone would want to pull out that.
I think they give character. Didn’t think of this.
I think he’s one of the guys from Paramore, @anon80629714! Man, that Hayley is a real female hottie to me:
I think the only time I saw her was on talking dead show that comes after walking dead.
One time I was at an Dr’s appointment I saw a woman with a lot of facial piercings. I couldn’t tell at first though. From across the room I was like “kinda cute” Several steps closer I was like " that’s a bit much but still kinda cute"
As she passed me I was thinking " GAAHHH!! what happened!!"
I have a piercing like this but it’s been a while
Just under lips