Memories and beliefs

Very interesting. The writing is pretty.

Seriously Anna, I’m worried about you. You’re talking about suicide and you’re harming yourself. Call a hotline or go to the ER. Sorry but it was very irresponsible to quit Abilify cold turkey.

Please don’t hurt yourself.

Does going off APs cause depression? Hmm if I would’ve known that I probably would have been more careful. Shoot.

I’m going to try to start IOP next week. Even if I was going to kill myself I couldn’t do it until my rats have lived their lives. So hopefully IOP is very helpful and they will get me back on the right meds.

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Anna, It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as your beliefs make you happy and do good for you and others.

I had a friend once who was convinced she was a fairy, and she had been sent to live in a human body as a punishment, and with all her heart she wanted her punishment to be over so she could go back to her life as a fairy and out of the human body she occupied. She knew that suicide would not help because she would merely be sent into another human body immediately, and a worse human life (worse circumstances) as further punishment for not accepting her current punishment. I told her that she should just thoroughly enjoy her time as a human and forget about all the rest, Make the most of it. People in jail who get with the program and are very good and cooperative and make themselves at home in jail, are the ones to get let off early. Those who keep fighting the system only make their jail time unbearable and end up in trouble all the time, which ensures they don’t get let out early. She took my advice and was happy after that. She stopped longing for what she couldn’t have and just ‘got with the program’.

So, since a belief can never be judged by whether it is true or not, since no one can ever prove it one way or the other, the only other option is to make sure all your beliefs cause good feelings, good action and good outcomes. If you believe you are doing god a favour because he rescued you, then why would you try kill yourself? Why not just ‘get with the program’ and be the best, happiest, most ‘normal’ human being you can be? Then you will be happy and not depressed. That’s the important thing. x

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