Is this delusional?

Part of me believes that I Co-created the universe alongside the devil, and that apart from my enemy I am the only living being in the universe. However, despite this part time belief, I sort of function. Am I psychotic?

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I think so. I would talk to my doctor about that.

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There’s no proof of this, it’s just a random idea you got. Believing ideas and imaginings as fact is pretty abnormal.

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I was the only real being since I was a kid

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It is a delusion, and seems like it might lead to harmful behavior if you don’t keep it in check. If you don’t believe other people are real, it might lead you to treating them as lesser than yourself. It might be best to go with Pascal’s wager on this one. If you are right, and nobody else is real, then you lose nothing by treating them with kindness and respect. If you are wrong, and people are real, you can cause massive amounts of harm by treating them like they are not real.

Maybe over time your beliefs will change, maybe they won’t. but I don’t think telling you that you’re delusional will sway your opinion at all.

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I have nothing but love and compassion for other people, for they too are me. As I say, it is a part time belief as opposed to a all-consuming one, but thanks for commenting.

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Ya, I feel ya. I had this delusion BAD.

I remember fighting with God who looked like my stepfather (possibly Reptilian) and how he said I was the devil for talking about simulation theory. I feel like we ran the simulation together or that he was more powerful than me.

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I’ve been studying M-Theory (with no math just concepts) and I feel like the simulation is being run in the Bulk or anti-desitter space.

my voices told me i was going to hell to satan and then i told them i will just have to kill satan then and rule hell. I was bent on fighting satan in hell cause i wasnt gonna let him take me. I even ended up writing a song about it…damn delusions

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What if we were all part of that origin story? We could be little tiny quantum seeds blown into the dust of the universe. At that size we may feel alone, even though we are not. I don’t know, where I’m going with that. I also saw creation and its beginnings as part of my visions. It gives me courage to believe in this story. I feel stronger even though my life makes me feel less than.

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