Memantine and obsessive thoughts

The last time I was worried of what to do with my life, I had a lot of obsessive thoughts. These obsessive thoughts would led me to psychosis. Now I’m taking 20mg of memantine and the obsessive thoughts are lighter, so I can handle them. I still have intrusive thoughts and they suck sometimes, but I don’t have too much anxiety because of them. My pdoc said that intrusive thoughts are a type of obsessive thoughts.

It seems that memantine is working for negative symptoms and obsessive thoughts.


I have found CBT to be most effective. I now automatically recognize obsessive/intrusive thoughts and push them aside, focusing myself to concentrate on other things. As I’ve learned to do this, the intensity of the thoughts has diminished. CBT (with meds) gives you the most recovery bang for your buck in my opinion.


I still have to implement the techniques… wish it was easy :frowning: