MAX TV show Six Schizophrenic Brothers

Anyone watch this?

I’m on the 3rd episode.

I honestly don’t relate.

I’m not a saint, I’m not violent, I’m not a sex offender….

It’s making me seriously question my diagnosis

I’m not like these 6 brothers at all. My husband agrees.

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Is this the docuseries based on the book “Hidden Valley Road”?


Let me check @Moonbeam

Yes @Moonbeam . It is the same as that book

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Oh I’m familiar with the case. I been waiting for this and I have Max so I’ll watch it tonight.

EDIT: I had a neighbor like this. They had over 10 children and the oldest, who I was friends with, constantly had to babysit. I am always amazed by families that have this many children. Parents only have 24 hours each in a day and eventually undivided individual attention becomes impossible.


Wow painful to watch, didn’t know all the gory details.

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i was gonna check it out but the violence they mentioned in the intro that they inflicted on innocent animals…nope. not watching that ■■■■. sounds more like psychopaths run in their family


This sounds unbearable to watch as a SZ.

No respect. This is sensational entertainment with extra focus on dramatic and horrifying violence. Was there any educational element. Probably not from the sounds of it. Thanks MAX HBO.


This show, and I’m on the fourth episode, truly makes me believe Schizophrenia must be on a spectrum. Some cases are so much worse than mine ever got… especially with regards to recovery.


How much of it is not getting the right treatment, family issues support, substance abuse, non-compliance. Genetic disposition to violence.

We’re all different.


True, it was the forties/fifties/sixties, and they were still blaming the mother in a lot of places back then. Wacky stuff. Glad we recognize sz/sza for what it is now.


Wow that’s a long time ago. No wonder. Still hope the show ends with education on SZ.


I wish you hadn’t said that because now I sort of want to watch it. Does it have vampire hookers? Because then I will have to watch it for sure.

(Yes, the inside of my head has bad wiring - no one is shocked.)


You are terrible. Muriell


Ask @ThePickinSkunk and @Montezuma about my taste in cinema. They will regale you with tales of horrible horror.


Oh sorry Kxev I gotta be honest I didn’t read that first post of yours. I had that initial reaction as well, that this will scare people away from us. However since it took place so long ago I would hope viewers could realize the family didn’t have the same tools we have today, to prevent things like the violent outbursts that posed mortal danger to each other.

Here’s something to consider with regards to one or two of these brothers though… sometimes mean people get mental illnesses, too. You can’t assume someone’s a hero just because they are mentally ill. Some of them do actually do horrible things… just like sane people.

Just my opinion though. The way to avoid this is don’t have 12 children. If they had 4, this would be bad but not a disaster of gargantuan proportions. Not to oversimplify but my gosh what makes anyone want 12 kids! What if every person had 12 kids who had 12 kids each? How long would the world’s food last?


Okay but I haven’t seen @ThePickinSkunk around lately.

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You talk to many psychiatrist and they’ll tell you that most people with schizophrenia or schizoeffective are not violent, as a matter of fact there usually on the receiving end of violence.


Yeah. I have watched through the 3rd episode and if I compare myself to them, it’s like I’m mentally well with no problems.

I don’t relate to them at all.

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It’s TV lol they don’t care about fast they care about views. Even the news is like this these days. Not to be a complainer but they often skew facts to make their headlines more catchy. So much for journalistic integrity :joy:

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