Mania over

I think it is dissapearing as I am literally losing interest in drawing … it really feels weird… wish i could carry on…


I wonder if it was mania or it’s a characteristic I am just getting bored.

Yes I kinda miss it when it leaves, I have so much more energy

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I tended to go all OCD with my Mania on meds which helped to get more organized at least for a while. Miss it now. As a friend said once. Normal me manic me and depressed me. Which tends to describe Bipolar. Helps to record your moods to get an idea of triggers. Manias fine till it stops being fun and crashing down can be hard. Worse with sza as you tend to cycle even more. Hard to know where the negatives and depression cycle with sza. Hang in there it does get better.


are you sure it’s mania? it sounds like irritability. mania is psychosis & madness

■■■■ off. You don’t have to be a dick. You have no idea how much she is or isn’t struggling.

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Civil and supportive, please, @Anon10. If you don’t have anything helpful to add, maybe consider why you feel compelled to respond.


Irritability is also part of mania

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Mania isn’t psychosis but can include it. I do get irritability with the mania but it’s not often.

Well when the pdoc says it’s part of a milder form of hypomania and gives me meds for it … not saying it wasn’t fun I’m saying coming out of it isn’t fun. I’m not asking for anyone to feel sorry for me I don’t want or like that.

Don’t worry about what that guy said. He’s no doctor. He just sounds like an ass


It’s ok but he makes sense. Worried over a symptom where I’m simply having fun :joy:

I was told if I start going over three plus days without or with very little sleep I need to call the doc. But with Lithium I do okay. If you’re having fun that is sweet but if you are having fun with a credit card then maybe let someone know.