Happy new year! Schizophrenic people are not stupid! I wish everyone unlimited success! Never ever talk down to yourself even inside your own head! …
Its a myth that schizophrenics have low intelligence…
Intelligence is not everything though its barely anything! Im super excited for 2022! Make money! Im confident i got the job im invedting big time 2022! Elon musk said roaring 20s i came up with that first! Good luck!
Are you getting manic again?
I personally think @matthewj just has a lot of energy.
It’s a good thing BTW,
Very few on this forum, if any at all, are geniuses. It requires more than just being very intelligent. There are gifted people on this forum.
Absolutely. It requires a very high deal of creativity and a good dose of intelligence.
I am sure schizophrenia suppresses both. Nash was an exception though.
There is a massive amount of irony in your post.
Why thank you
I think people confuse intelligence in Sz with strength of character.
I think some people confuse the classic word salad posts, with intelligence
Funnily enough - tho annoying, i liked to decipher the text sometimes. There was one poster on here that was notorious for it. It was like doing the morning crossword lol.
Yes, they have the genes!! Believe it, you are in your 20s, you got to believe you can accomplish whatever you want.
I think it’s possible.
But mostly for bipolars rather than schizophrenics
What about those with schizoaffective?
Schizpaffective is similar to bipolar in this regard in my opinion
Yup I think that. I am glad you said that. That made my day. I have hope
All being a schizophrenic genius and nickel will get me is a stick of gum.
I have diagnozed with bipolar and Schizpaffective
I am a civil engineer and also scientific articles translator and never regarded myself as a stupid person except when on high doses of medicines and bipriden.
My mind works as hell.
I’ve created three theories for new government systems that people agreed on their usefulness.