Magick, all BS

I used to practice the hermetic qabalah. I never saw any results. I even practiced some ancient pagan rituals and tied it into some thelemic magick. The result. Ended up in the hospital because I had a delusion Crowley was talking to me from the dead.

Magick is a terrible thing for the mentally Ill, I’ve concluded.

It doesn’t exist and never will.

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I had the same thing. I have his tarot deck. Well not his, but the one he created.

Fascinating. Are you still into that stuff?

No… I kinda lost interest… It’s fun though, I’m a good people reader, so I make a good tarot reader. Some friends asked me to do some readings for them, it’s cool I don’t mind. I just don’t do it as often. Still find it interesting, but don’t lose much time into that stuff. I don’t actually believe the cards can predict stuff, but the funny thing is that I was always right every time I drew them. Don’t know if it’s basic psychology or what, but still, it’s interesting. I like the crowley deck, it has a lot of variety, you never know what you might get.

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The Thoth deck (Crowley’s) is considered the wisest (if that’s the right word) it corresponds to the 22 paths on the tree of life. That’s cool you don’t take it too seriously.

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I want @Minnii to do a card reading of me!!


When I get back from school I’ll do it lol


Great! I get my reading later today?

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Yeah, I’ll do it now.

Okay. Do you need any specific info from me?

Height? Weight? Birth date? Bra size??

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Basically it says that you have something of virtue, and you’re considering changing it and that change will be a failure.

So my sex change is definitely a ‘no go’ according to the cards?


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Sorry Gertrude :weary:

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Thanks for reading me. At least now i know I have a virtuous ■■■■■, and a sex change would be a bad move.

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No problem. I think that because I’m a non believer now it doesn’t work. If it works you tell me. Don’t go changing that music of yours.

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I looked up my birth date here and got a reading…try it too!

Just punch your birth date into google and then scroll down until you find this site.

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Showing my age here but…

I saw U2 play live in Montreal at Olympic Stadium in 1987. I was 21 years old. In the prime of my life. The year you were born! Yikes, I’m gettin up there!!

Still have the Joshua Tree t-shirt in my dresser drawer from that concert.

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Oh I like U2 but I don’t like bono lol That was a long time ago! One day I’m going to tell someone that too. I saw Damian Marley and he looked like Bob ahah

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