Low blood sugar after eating high carb meal

I went to IHOP with my father this morning and ordered buttermilk pancakes with tons of maple syrup.
I should add that I’m diabetic.

A few hours later I decided to test my blood glucose levels and I was expecting numbers near 200 instead my reading was 74!

Anything below 70 is considered dangerous so I didn’t want to chance it.
I quickly ate some leftover spaghetti and had a coffee cake muffin to raise my blood sugar levels.

I don’t know why I would have low blood sugar levels after eating a high carb sugar filled meal?

I’m thinking that the diabetes drugs Ozempic and Metformin are the cause but I’m not sure.

I’ll be testing more often.


Maybe their combined effect is too much.


Oh man I love Ihop we have a Ihop fast food resteraunt in my town called flip’d its the same company as Ihop

But anyways i was also thinking it was from the drugs


I was having similar weird reactions to sugar when I was on Paxlovid. That night my blood sugar went really low, I tested bs and it was like 70 or 80, cant remember exact. So I had some ice cream. Like an hour later or so I started feeling weird, sweating and out of it and I took blood sugar and it was 44. I had originally thought it might be some kind of weird overreaction by system to high blood sugar. Like some kind of rebound effect. I now think it was Paxlovid related though.


Yeah thanks @everhopeful
If it continues I’ll be talking to both of my doctors.
My metformin prescriber and my Ozempic prescriber


Wow 44 is deadly @Bowens!
Glad your alright now


Yeah I’m thinking in my case it might have been some kind of rebound effect.
Besides the diabetes meds this could also explain my low numbers.


@Bowens I looked it up, it’s called reactive hypoglycemia, when blood sugar levels drop drastically after a few hours eating a high carb meal.
It’s sometimes called a “sugar crash”


Interesting @Wave . thanks for letting me know.


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