Somedays I don’t know how I’m going to get through it. Somedays I want to hate her. Somedays I really don’t know where to turn for answers on how to handle the cruel and horrible things she does to me and the others around her. It burns. I ache. I want to run away and hide.
Hey, at least you’re in love
No I’m not in love, it’s my daughter
I am sorry she is still behaving this way. How are the grandchildren coping?
They are still too young to know what’s going on but eventually it will effect them, and it won’t be for the best obviously. At least in very many ways in won’t be.
Is she behaving severely enough that you need to get social services involved?
No, but I keep an eye on it and won’t hesitate. I trust her about as far as I can throw her.
The other day she was going to leave her husband because her told their 2 year old something she did was stupid and yet earlier I heard her say to knock it the f**k off to her, so there’s a double standard. I told to not be so rough and she acted really embarrassed so hopefully it a one off. But she’s having a melt down and this is why I’m venting today. There’s not a lot I can do to help with the lockdown without violating the stay at home order. She’s been staying with her husband’s mother for quite awhile and always had help with the kids when she didn’t feel like dealing with them. Now she has to take care of her own kids and she’s having a bad reaction. I suspect she’s trying to manipulate me into coming over there to help. But I don’t want to risk my life and the life of my sister, and put undue strain on the medical system by catching covid 19. My daughter isn’t taking it seriously because she’s young and foolish. Anyway thanks for listening.
Very poetic, if it wasn’t such a serious matter. Sociopaths are dangerous and toxic. Sorry to say such a rude thing about your daughter, whom you surely love to the moon and back. Was she always like that, or did anything happen more recently ? Some people shut themselves off, emotionally speaking, to avoid getting hurt, while others simply lack the capacity for empathy and openness.
The lockdown is hard on parents, for sure. But I think you are doing the right thing by staying away. You need to stay alive now so you can see them grow up.
Ouch, I had a psychopath friend, he made lots of girls break up on purpose just to have sex, he even had sex with married woomen. I was with him in a club and he got more than 10 girls numbers, he had sex in the club’s bathroom and then went flirting and getting other girls’s numbers. He even tried to have sex with my 3 cousins. He never stays on one girl, he keep jumping from one to one daily like a monkey.
I stopped talking to him and blocked him because he had sex with a girl I know and was close to her, I loved and kissed her. Also because he always wanted money from me for many illegal drugs and because he always get in fights like with black gangs.
I hope your case is better than mine especially because you can’t stop from talking to your daughter.
Nothing happened, she’s a born sociopath. She’s always lacked empathy and showed signs at a young age. Although I didn’t know her diagnosis officially until recently. It was eluded several times when she was younger, but not official. Now it’s official. She herself is aware of her diagnosis and her limitations and sometimes uses it as an excuse to not even try.
Sociopath and psychopath are not the same.
And being with lots of women/men does not make you a psychopath,
It’s pretty normal.
I’m sorry you’re struggling with your daughter during such difficult times.
I’m really sorry to hear that. I wonder if she feels remorse sometimes, or is just faking it… Sociopaths can be really cruel.
I know a girl who I think is a sociopath, although not sure yet. But how would you understand the following ?
(after watching Dogville - if you know the movie) : “oh, I like Nicole Kidman she has such a tender soothing voice, and I’m so glad they murdered all the people in that village, including children. They were evil and evil must be destroyed”.
Luckily my case is a little better, although she was in court for breaking into a house and in custody, when the deputy asked her to turn to the front to get her cuffs hooked there was a little scuffle, later it turns out during this very minor scuffle that my daughter actually remover the deputy’s knife from her belt and hid it on her person and didn’t want to get caught with it upon search at the return to center so she made this whole story that she found the knife in the bathroom when they stopped at the half way mark going back to the center. Well they put 2 and 2 together and she was charged with taking the deputy’s knife, they also tried to charge her with assaulting the deputy for the scuffle but the Judge threw that out. My daughter was only 13 when all of this happened so luckily it’s all just a thing of the past. She has had no run ins with the law as an adult.
Oh lol I don’t know, I would just take it as a comment. Sociopaths are more that just the things they say, if you’re in a relationship with one you’ll likely know eventually. There will be a consequence of some sort.
Don’t girls suffer from breaking up for someone who leaves them right after having sex?
Many times I see him forcing girls into having sex with him, some girls reject him but he insists until they give up. He doesn’t use physical force so he’s not a criminal other than always begging his friends for money to buy cocaine etc
You call him normal?
I don’t know him,
So I can’t call him normal.
I’m just saying being promiscuous isn’t being a psychopath.
And not all women suffer after someone leaves them after sex,
I’d say it’s quite welcome in some situations.
Lets get back to Leaf and her thread.
Thank you @GoldenRex she picked a really bad time to turn up
How would you describe your daughter, in simpler words? Like : selfish, violent, cruel, manipulative etc. I don’t mean to imply your daughter is all bad, after all everyone has good parts. But try to capture the essential.