Are you serious?
I also think it’s important for you to remember that there are lots of women out there. Don’t fixate on this one and think “she’s the only one for me”. It could be that no matter what you do, she won’t be interested. You have to be willingly to accept this possibility and be open to moving on, IMO.
Yeah Bowens, I think I’m ready to move on.
I just sent my last message for a while.
I asked her a weird question. I think I’m done.
Buts it’s okay, strangely I don’t feel too disappointed in my self. At least I tried. She was in my mind for a while.
Yeah… it’s quite common in the streets here
I’m going to give some harsh words, but seriously move on. She already no-showed for your date, and if she didn’t give a good reason then she’s already not interested. The friendzone doesn’t exist anyways. There’s no imaginary zone that you get out of if you say everything perfect or do everything right. Attraction is a crap ton messier than that.
Everyone deserves a chance at love, but it sounds like she has a lot of problems she’s dealing with. You probably won’t fit into the place you want to be with the difficulties she’s facing in life. Addiction and shelter living is a freaking hard place to be, and you’re probably not a priority for her right now.
I don’t know, I want to be there because she is in a tough situation.
Romantic or not I don’t mind, even if it’s a peer to peer kinda relationship.
Now I actually don’t mind being just a friend.
If I became a friend then yeah that’s nice I’ve got a friend irl lol
Even being friends has to be consenting your probably not the stalker type but its coming across a bit creepy ?
I did look at her Facebook though… is that creepy?
Only you know the answer to that
Just sayin how its coming across
I feel like I’m a bad person now lol
I’m sure she tried to search me too… I’m just guessing
When I was dating I looked up everyone’s profiles and arrest records.
It’s absolutely not creepy.
Yeah if your dating?
Im sure your perfectly nice guy dont take anything too personally , i just gave you advice, my bad
It is okay I’m not taking it too personal
No probs
Aw shucks my heart is broken
I think you should take a break from all this dating stuff for a while.
Do some soul searching.
Like really try and find yourself.
Watch some John Cassavetes movies.
Get a cat.
I don’t know. This was my initial advice in another thread as well, but the fact that she still texts and calls him back leads me to believe that it’s not entirely hopeless.
It’s probably a long shot, based on past actions, but not entirely impossible.
While this is true that there is no imaginary zone, I think that after getting to know someone, sometimes the relationship can change. I had a girl that I was friends with for years. At some point later she became enamored with me. I didn’t mean to have this happen , because I wasn’t interested, but thats the way it developed.
Sometimes if you get to know someone, attractions develop at a later date.
Anyway, my basic advice is probably to move on as well, but it’s not completely hopeless, IMO.
I think we are saying the same thing about the “friendzone,” in that it doesn’t exist. Attraction is more complicated than a zone you’re either in or out of based on a few interactions. The friendzone is generally a toxic belief system that pick up artists use to prey on desperate dudes to by their program to creep on women. “By my bootcamp and get out of the friendzone.”
With that being said my recommendation is still100% to move on. A no call no show for a date with no explanation afterwards is not a red flag, it’s a blunt statement that she isn’t interested. I’m not saying she’s bad at all, she has a metric crap ton going on in life between addiction and shelter living. Just my opinion based off of personal experience, but when someone is interested they generally show interest by either showing up for a date or communicating why they couldn’t. I’ve had plenty of relationships or potential interests with random inconsistent communication but no follow through. This was for many reasons, either right person wrong time or just wrong person and wrong time.
I think you have not read part of this conversation from another thread and are missing a piece. She did text him and explain that she accidentally overslept for date.
I think it’s unlikely she’s interested, based on past actions, and I definitely think pursuing this fervently is a mistake. But I see no reason why he can’t put it on a back burner and leave the possibility open in the future if he really wants to.
But yes, we are basically in agreement.