Loop in my brain

I’ve had this since quitting abilify in 2013. I had my first relapse and switching meds I started having this sort of a loop in my brain. At first it was positive stuff, losing weight, exercise, nutrition etc but it’s been about five months, after losing my motivation and enthusiasm, I have this sort of negative loop in my brain where all I can think of is negative meaningless thoughts. I remember something from the past and it gets stuck with me for several days and there are new memories all the time. These are stuff that don’t matter at all and are completely meaningless. I’m having such a hard time staying in the present moment. My mind is always wandering between the past and the future. Even if I’m doing something fun, I can’t help but get lost in my mind. I asked my sister, she said it was completely normal and she had that also. I asked a friend, she said she has that also but only for a few brief moments. Mine is lingering throughout the day and it’s bothering me because it’s something new. Does anybody else have this? what is it? Am I the only one with this? I asked my doctor, he didn’t say anything. He was like oh really. Would psychotherapy help me focus on the present and control my thoughts? I have a dr’s appointment on 25th.

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I tend to get stuck in the past and worry about the future a whole lot - Ive been feeling a bit spacey and am having a hard time focusing in the present moment.

My paranoia has increased and I have been worrying and obsessing a lot.

Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Sometimes these can take you away from the present moment.

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Making changes like that takes a lot of time and commitment. I’d shift your focus to generating new thoughts that are topical to the moment. After a while it might become a stronger frame of mind.

You might just learn to live with it. Or at least you should accept that is how it is for now and not stress out.

I’ll have a string of days where I’m a lot more focused on the moment. inevitably a day rolls around where some of the BS surfaces. These days I just process it, knowing that my head will clear up as soon as I get out of bed or out of the house.

Look into the nature of obsessions. You might be able to come up with a few tactics.

I was more or less trying to meditate constantly for about 6 months before things started clearing up.

I mean was it always this way? It does sound pretty normal, it’s what the brain does. Reflection and dreaming. If your past bothers you that might be why it sticks. Therapy could help with that.


No I don’t have anxiety but I don’t know if I’m depressed. I’ve never been depressed before. I have lack of enthusiasm and laziness has overcome me. I push myself to do the daily chores. Lack of motivation to do anything. I don’t want to take anti depressant, these pills are horrible. I’m currently switching from geodon to latuda, maybe it’s geodon withdrawal, I don’t know what’s happening to me.

Yeah it could be part of withdrawals - Hope that you feel better soon

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i also have meaningless thoughts. sometimes i would describe them as random, positive fantasies , that dont mean anything.

im on abilify and I haven’t really been in the present moment for at least a year.

I realized awhile ago that my fantasies are primary to me and reality is secondary. my psychotic depression is PTSD induced, stress induced, and genetic.

if you are christian then Centering Prayer will help you. If you’re not, try Buddhist meditation. I believe they both help a lot, although I don’t have the discipline to stick with either of them for more than a week.

best of luck

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thanks. I will look into buddist meditation, it may help me clear my mind. I want to get out of this mindset and enjoy my life!


thought i would say hi.
take care :alien:


It takes strength to share a weakness… this tempers your mind so that it may be stronger than believed to be as it is. waterway, this is exactly what these forums are for. It is very good of you to share and add insight into past things you have overcome. As far as the rest of the thread… the words typed are encouraging.