Looking for somewhere to belong

here online i feel so welcome and it is so nice. i just wish i had somewhere outside of cyberspace to feel the same sense of belonging.

so many people know i have sz i feel that sz anonymous isn’t for me.

what do you do? maybe i should just forget it.


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Here’s to you finding your niche. Don’t go through years of isolation and withdrawal. It will erase all social skills even if you were savvy before. Being a little awkward with people now, I believe, will lead to becoming an object later on. I could be wrong, though.

i tried my synagogue but it is a hello and goodbye story there. at work it is nasty often to me especially and it makes me wonder if it is worth trying anywhere.

socially i mean.

also i find that all the nastiness in my life is making me a bit nasty inside in return.


When people ask that question I normally ask them if they’ve tried meetup.com . It’s for finding nearby groups with similar interests to yourself.

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thanks everhopeful. happy new year, judy

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I was going to say the same things as @everhopeful. Meetup.com is a great way to meet people.

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Happy new year !

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