I would rather

Express my opinions on Sz.com and share ideas here than actively participate in ■■■■■■■■ small talk in the real world. Is there anything wrong with this?


Just gone done with an AA meeting. MAde myself go. It helped make me feel like I did something useful today. :grinning: maybe start going to meetings again?


That’s a good idea @samp. Hope yours went well. I’m in recovery too. I’ve been hiding from the AA crowd though. They all know me and you know how people in AA can be. Lots of gossip. Not that I’m that important but I’m very sensetive about my mental illness. Could that be my disease trying to get me to use again?

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Isolating and feeling down on yourself could do it. Go to a different towns AA. I don’t go to my old pre sz meetings yet, maybe some day. For now I just like being a new person, not knowing anyone.


Yea that could be a good idea. I am known at my home group as someone who comes in and out of the rooms. The only problem is that it isn’t from relapsing on booze or drugs. I’m legitimately having psychotic episodes every year now. Some guy called me out on it and I didn’t know what to say because my MI makes me feel unique. I need plastic surgery and a wig.

I shared tonight that I have mental illness. I don’t care if people know. It’s why I struggle.

There is nothing wrong with that at all Mr. Gorilla. I find talking to normies in real life painful beyond the standard greetings. Here I can take my time to compose a thought rather than being embarrassed by the cognitive difficulties some of us share. So I’d rather do the same as well.

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I’m sure that over half the people in the room have some kind of mental illness. I am still embarrassed though. The meds make me feel awkward and I sometimes think if they were better and I didn’t appear to be medicated then I would have no problem telling people that I am mentally il.

@ThePickinSkunk you are right sir.
It stings me to the bone to talk to normies. I’m starting to avoid my own family. I’m glad to hear that other people feel this way. I don’t like noticing my own personal shortcomings by surprise while in public either.

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Thanks Samp. To be honest, I can’t even go to the store. I can’t make eye contact I can’t function.

I go to Nami meetings. I find it is a little helpful. On the one hand when there are other voice hearers, I feel we can see eye to eye on some things. So it becomes productive. On the other hand, I think about how we are all collectively screwed. Maybe that’s just me. It’s good overall though.

Nothing at all. That’s the way it is with me, too.

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Samp, what’s up! Glad to hear you went to another meeting. Sounds like you’re on a roll.
I went tonight too. Spur of the moment. The meeting was huge. Good speakers though.
Thanks for thinking of me! One day at a time brotha :pray::tada::+1:

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I’m so glad you went MG! I think of it like it’s my job, since I don’t have one. Helps give me structure. I might even go to a noon one tomorrow.

Yea it’s good to have the support. I have been hiding from everyone in the rooms but I realized tonight that everyone in there has problems. Do you go alone or with someone? A day time meeting sounds like a great idea. 90 in 90 maybe ?

I go alone. I think going at noon will structure me to get up earlier. I dare you to do 90 in 90 :grin:

Ha! Your courageous. I’m more like 2x a week at this point. But if I can get in a routine I’ll take that dare.
Oh there’s a meeting called twice gifted here. It’s Friday at 7:30. Dual diagnosis, can’t wait!

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Maybe it’s us sz’s that live in the real world. Maybe we all belong in a different time. We have a very special frame of reference as we’ve gone through some of the worst suffering. Don’t beat yourself up for wanting to connect with others like you. ;).

I’d prefer the former than the latter. less harmful.

but I doubt I could live without some real-life conversation, once in a while.