Looking for a sleep drug

I am looking for a sleep drug (against insomnia) with the following properties:

  1. It doesn’t make one addicted.
  2. It has low affinity to dopamine receptors.

I tried Mirtazapine, but I have serious adverse effects even with 3,75 mg.

What about:

  1. Doxylamine
  2. Promethazine
  3. Trazodone
  4. ???

3. It should not have many (serious) adverse effects.

Wutang here just houghtbi would say hi

Go for seroquel…

Diphenhydramine and Doxylamine are good choices due to their length of action and can be bought without a prescription.

I take Trazadone for sleep. I have to up the dose a little bit more and hopefully it doesn’t stop working. I started with 25mg and now I’m up to 150mg. I don’t feel any grogginess or any other side effects so far.


Seroquel has too high affinity for dopamine receptors.

I fear the adverse effects of Diphenhydramine, but Doxylamine and Tazodone look interesting.

what are the adverse effects of diphenhydramine?

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Thank you for that but those are basically the same side effects as doxylamine and trazadone too aren’t they? Is diphenhydramine worse or something?

400mg of 5-htp followed by 2mgs melatonin half a hour before bed

Try Promethazine. That’s what i usually take to get a good night’s sleep. It is an antihistamine that is sedating. It shouldn’t react with dopamine, and there aren’t many side effects that i know of. I’m sure there are some but i’ve not experienced any.

I took zopiclone for years and it was crazy. I’d sleep but did weird stuff in my sleep. And i had way funky dreams. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone

I take 300 mg of trazadone and I sleep soundly…only that dose works for me with trazadone.

At the moment, I am also most interested in Promethazine. How much do you take?


If Diphenhydramine only had lower affinity to M1-5, it would be perfect!

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Trazodone is good.

I take 25 mg tablet. That does the trick for me. The first time you take it, it may make you a little drowsy the next day…but then again, we take AP’s so we’re probably immune to that effect.

I take 100-150mg of Trazodone and it helps keep me asleep and avoids fitful dreams

@anon9805972, I take Melatonin 6 mg three hours before bedtime. This really seems to help the majority of the time. Sometimes, I take Magnesium Carbonate fizz powder in water before bed. This also seems to help. I do yoga for a half hour, two hours before bed, (this seems to relax me). I also take Klonipin 0.5 mg if I am still awake at 1 am in the morning. With all these regimens, I sleep soundly like 98% of the time. And I have sza, which is notorious for sleep problems.