Long Waits Coming for MH In Patients in USA

Here’s a link by PBS (American channel) about how beds will be unavailable for many people seeking in-patient treatment, and how these people will be detained for unknown amounts of time in ER’s, and other places…Those looking for in patient treatment, please realize that there are limited amounts of beds available!

Been on the wrong side of that, got sent away for not being sick enough, repeatedly, then finally doctor ordered me in and after still trying to reject me, hospital was forced to take me as an involuntary 5150 (I had been voluntary the week before, when they wouldn’t take me, and they would only accept me so long as I was involuntarily there. ugh)
My life during my entire 20’s:

Amid shortage of psychiatric beds, mentally ill face long waits for treatment | PBS NewsHour

In a 2014 survey, 19 of 38 state mental health directors said their states had been threatened with or found in contempt for failing to admit jailed inmates found mentally incompetent into mental health facilities in a timely manner.

I always had concerns about the above. Like, perhaps they can have a separate psych ward outside of the prison? Why do they have to use ours. I’ve always had bad experiences with sociopaths who may or may not have had some kind of concurrent mental illness to get out of jail and then harassing those of us who were there for MH reasons. growl If they were just psychotic from low level drug offenses I wouldn’t mind, but I hate sharing a ward with a violent criminal who feels like a mental hospital is a good place to misbehave.

reading through it, it sounds like the government is stepping up and getting the states to increase their available services and beds - Fines $$$$ usually get people working faster

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This maybe belongs in news section?

Should it? I am never sure, as I thought that news section was only for research into genetic research stuff? I don’t know, should I ask a mod?

This would qualify as news, @HQuinn, or it’s on topic here, as well. If it’s okay with you, I’ll move it over there, so it might reach a broader audience

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sure! Thank you! feel free to put it where it fits best!

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