State Hospital in the US

Have you ever been to a state hospital in the US? What was it like (details)?


Are you curious? Or do you want to go? I was hardly having symptoms, and one of my therapists was going to send me there,but my mom stepped in. I know a lady that kept getting admitted there. People practically live there, and there’s separate parts so your not with the criminally insane

Yes the only hospital I’ve stayed in. They lock you up in there for a long time. Several weeks or a few months.

I couldn’t handle being in a hospital for months.
I’m not the type of person that can be confined and deal with it in a civil manner.

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It wasn’t so bad. The staff was grumpy. We got three meals a day and two snacks. Some of the meals were good some were not. It was really boring being cooped up in there all that time. I played a lot of cards with other patients. People would act out and the whole staff would hold them down and inject them with medication. It’s not healthy to witness that.

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You weren’t on an involuntary hold most likely.

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No, when they threatened me with that I signed a leave against medical advice form.
TheniI had to wait 3 days to be released.

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No, I don’t want to go. My counselor suggested it to my family two months ago, but I’ve since improved. It wasn’t because I was psychotic, it was because I was suidical and had already had two hospital stays.

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Thank you @anon12381882. I wanted to know.

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They must have trusted you would be okay, or they would have held you involuntarily.

The doctor didn’t think so, but she left for vacation.
I guess I had someone looking out for me.

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My alternative was partial Hospital, and I went off and on from 2012-2014 all of 2014-2016. That was a much better alternative

Yes, it sounds much better.

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I love bumping into people from that program. Some of the greatest people you’ll ever meet

That’s really cool!

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I was in a couple State of Connecticut Mental Hospitals. At the time, I thought I was not well treated. In retrospect, maybe it was Okay.


Thanks for the story, @Jayster. I’m sorry your experienced that!

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If I hadn’t landed in a state hospital I probably would still be wandering around delusional…the state hospital didn’t care that I didn’t have insurance and kept me until I stablized. They kept me for about 2 and a 1/2 months…thank goodness…I love state hospitals now.


That’s great! What a life-changing time for you!

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I’ve been to a state hospital twice. It was an okay experience, just not as comfortable as the private hospitals I have been in. There were less activities and more sitting around watching TV. The overall situation was similar. Two people per room, shared bathrooms, all that. The food wasn’t all that good but hospital food usually isn’t. The doctors were okay but you don’t see them all that often. Most interaction is with the nurses and psych techs or whatever they are called.