Llamas new Pdoc

So today at 2pm I’m going to see my new Pdoc . I don’t know a whole lot about her.

I suspect it’s going to be me describing my symptoms again. What I want to work on, medication history.

I’m nervous, and the voices are calling me a liar, telling me no one believes me. I’m faking it, it isn’t real, no one can help me, I’ll join them in hell. Took a PRN.

This all means I have to shower today, it’s been a few. Least I try to keep on top of brushing every day.

Questions I have involve what kind of medications they would recommend. What therapies. How can I get rid of the voices. Generally a “wtf do I do?” In more polite manners.

Any input for good questions I could ask? What are some you ask?

Thanks everyone,



I hope it goes well for you!

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I think regardless of what kind of questions you want to ask her,

You should go in with a list.

I don’t usually go in with a lot of questions,

I go in to listen.

Tell them exactly what you are experiencing and hear what they think, see if it’s in line with what you think and go from there.

My pdoc was talking sense straight away, so I knew he was the one for me.

He wasn’t horribly aggressive with the medication, always asked for my input.

Was pretty much what I wanted.

I hope you get a similar experience today and find your pdoc match.

You’ve got some time, so start writing about your symptoms and I’m sure some questions will start to flow.

Good luck!

I’m sure it’ll go well.

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Describe your symptoms. Make it clear that between your thoughts and voices you’re under pressure to harm yourself.

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Thank you!


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That’s a good idea. Having a physical list I can turn over to them.

Thank you Mr. Gable!

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I just worry, because I hated being on the ward. It was not a good place for me. To be honest I don’t even tell my family or you guys about some of the darker ones.

I worry I’ll get tossed in for being a danger to myself again. But your right I need to talk about those things.

I’m just scared. And I need to overcome some of that. They already know a little. That the voices sometimes tell me to kill myself, just not how detailed they are.

Thanks EH. I’ll try my best

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How long have you been a psychiatrist? Is schizophrenia one of the disorders you regularly treat?
What are the side effects from XYZ medications? Any interactions with other meds I currently take?
What happens if initial treatment fails?
How long until I start noticing a change in my symptoms?
What other kinds of help can I get within my local community?
How can I reach you in case of emergency?


Some great questions. Thank you!


How’d it go with the new pdoc?

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Heya rex, got home a little bit ago. They want to try me on Zyprexa 10mg. Apparently she likes it for voices management.

I liked her a lot, she was warm and compassionate. Gave me some hope. Picking my new medication up tomorrow.

Going more research on it now.


Great news!

I hope the new medication helps.


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