Lived in group home for 12 years now and I'm happy

I’m not moving. I always have company and am supported well. We have a good staff team and I like who I live with. Would you move to a group home?


I wouldn’t. People tend to not like me.


If I didn’t have family, I would in a heartbeat.


My friend needs a good group home around what do they cost and how do I help him find one?

Are you schizophrenic or suffered from psychosis?

My friend is schizoeffective. He will be homeless soon. He needs a group home.

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I’m from England. Here you need social services input plus funding.

Ok thank you. He is in the U.S.

This forum is for people who have schizophrenia or have suffered psychosis.

You will fit in on our other forum that is for family and friends, please let me know when you have seen this post. Make sure to copy the link I share.

I like having my own home and my own space and a garage. I like my hot tub and my swimming pool also. The view of the lake ain’t bad either.

I don’t ever want to go to a home.


I’m glad it’s going well for you @bobbilly.

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