Life sucks poll

Life sucks, but I don’t suck.

I’ve helped a lot of people in this sucky life. I’ve put smiles on people’s faces in this sucky life. I’m a good person in this sucky life.

I was in a psych ward when I heard a man singing and playing guitar. It was a male nurse named Bobby. He didn’t have to sing and play guitar, but he wanted to. He made me happy. The psych ward sucked, but Bobby didn’t suck.

Life sucks, but you don’t suck.

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I said yes, because it does. I’m a “glass half empty” kind of thinker. But, to me, it’s just being honest.
If you can admit that life sucks but it’s still worth it, you’re in a better place than someone who’s in denial.

Life has it’s ups and downs. When it’s down it helps if I try to look for something positive each day. Some days it helps to write a list of all the good things in it to keep perspective and ride out the rough times. I don’t know anyone’s particular situations but if you have your physical health that is a big plus. Do you have a roof over your head, food, electricity, bed, ect? Some people don’t even have the basic needs met or are in chronic pain or paralyzed, missing limbs ect. Are in unsafe environments. So even though I have some major challenges I can still write my list and see I have a lot of good in life too.

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You have only schizophrenia? I mean, do you have other disorders too?

No I’m just schizophrenic

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