I hope it happens sooner rather than later.
I don’t know. I’m getting pretty masochistic. Also, pain helps me appreciate the good times more.
I actually enjoy my life now but it is a relatively new thing.
Life sucks more if you keep telling yourself it sucks.
It’s important to focus on the positive things, no matter how small or rare they might seem.
A “life just sucks” attitude will make you feel much more misery than you need to
Hard to call this an “unusual” belief when a lot of people feel this way, schizophrenic or not.
I feel you. Klonopin helps.
You could say the same thing about vampires.
Yeah. Things aren’t working out for me either. I might have another half of a benzo. Or not. I don’t know.
If life sucks, do something about it. Finish college. Take extension classes to be job ready. Get a certificate in something you enjoy doing. Volunteer. Complaints are like excuses, don’t make em.
Yeah. I took the half a benzo. Beats going bananas.
I can’t die before I own ALL the electronics.
Very important.
My sister used that phrase. Im still not sure what it means
life can suck. Life with schizophrenia can definitely suck. But it is possible to make your life tolerable and not be suicidal. Keep ya head up.
That’s very nihislistic.
i think you need a better outlook in Life, I’ll pray for you bro, take care.
Hope u feel better.
Life doesn’t suck for everybody… at least not all the time. I have a lot to be happy for lately and that’s a huge difference than three years ago. Also this forum doesn’t allow certain topics to be discussed but there are other places to talk about those things.
I mean they renewed Rick and Morty for 70 episodes, that’s a good thing. I also need to see what happens when winter finally comes next year on hbo.
Now if you were born before electricity was discovered, then I would agree that life sucks.
People think i am too rich
They think I hate humanity that’s why I did this
They think I am too rich
They think I am not mad
I’m afraid of dying before I can experience living. So far, I guess I’m in Limbo.