Life sucks poll

No life does not suck but I am labeled by doctors as “very high functioning.” I have no problem going out and enjoying life every day, so I have that going for me. I also have a good support system of friends and family. I live in Hawaii and it is pretty here. I have my issues but the good outweighs the bad and I generally don’t put myself in a bubble. I allow myself to be heartbroken when relationships end and drive though it scares me and attend weddings and go exercising. It feels like my life is still moving and didn’t stop where my illness began. I am still making an effort to do all the things in life I can.

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I hate my life…

Why do you hate your life

Cause im useless at everything in life

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So you hate your life
So change your life

I actually think I’m talking crap tonight and now I’m confused

Me to I am useless too

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Life sucks but it’s not all bad. Just gotta learn to appreciate the little things.

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how do you gonna learn something with cognitive impairment

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Well for me I forced myself to find something positive everyday. Even if literally everything sucked. Just try to find one positive even if it’s something dumb like “my bed is warm”

its hard at first but now i do it all the time. It’s not a cure all but it helped me a bit


sorry life sucks why you may ask, kid’s old people’ and the fight to take care of them , just to find your self suck in by the systems of today.!

Your not talking crap @shellys12
You make a lot of sense.
Maintaining a positive attitude with this awful illness is important.


Life is FAR better than death.


Of course parts of it sucks. But other parts are great. No one likes going into hospitals and suffering symptoms but you can work around that and still accomplish something worthwhile. I mean the evidence to back that up is here on this site, virtually every day. To be honest, not everybody recovers nicely. But many do. Luck plays a large part in recovery but as the saying goes, “you can make your own luck.”

In the beginning of my disease I was sever:ely ill. It was mental torture and I was not functioning very well. I got a little better in increments but once I started functioning better I started doing things for my recovery. Not necessarily by choice. I did a lot of stuff I didn’t want to do. I attended vocational programs, I saw therapists and psychiatrists, I attended support groups, I socialized when I didn’t feel like it, I took my medication, I lived in group homes and supported semi-independent living. i did not always like these things, sometimes I hated them but some aspects of them were not bad.

But even though I didn’t care for them then, I know that all those things I did payed off later (sometimes months later. sometimes years). i know those things helped me in the long run and shaped my recovery in the present. You can look at those things like they were an investment in my future. I put in all the hard work and got rewarded with my recovery.

Heck, I’m the guy who had very few “gifts” in life. I mean that growing up, I was plain looking, shy, not a natural athlete, very few social skills, couldn’t talk to women, in fact talked very little at all. On paper, I should not have even survived. But after 38 years with schizophrenia I am looking back on a long job history. I am a little “advanced in years” but I will finish off getting my degree soon. I’ve lived life and enjoyed some great years. I’m not blissfully happy all the time but I do have a form of my own version of happiness.Sometimes I have times where everything just gets still, I am calm and clearheaded and without fear. The head slows down and I am at peace; with myself and the world around me.

But when I first got sick the odds this would happen were astronomically low and anybody looking at me back them would have never have guessed in a million years that I would be in the position I;min now with my apartment and other amenities. This is why people should never give up. It can happen, obviously, to other people too besides me.


I can’t say it sucks but it can be troublesome at times, but that’s life. It ain’t perfect.


Surrounded by 7.6 billion other idiots while still hating myself because im an idiot. The problem isn’t life. Its humanity. If i just had the courage to end my life already i wouldn’t have to deal with anything anymore

For many, many years, no one was more depressed, suicidal, paranoid and miserable than me. And no doctor could help me either. I was on every medication known to psychiatric science in those days and none of them worked on me. I was hell bent on ending my life. One way or the other. How I stayed alive was anybody’s guess. I must have had providence looking out for me. In fact, I know I did. Then, one grand year, Risperdal was invented. And my life changed overnight. Then, someone got the great idea to put me on Tegretol. My life got even better then. The paranoia and the suicidality both totally disappeared along with the hallucinations. I was a new woman. I took it upon myself to incorporate some coping skills of my own into my treatment plan: fish oil, meditation, yoga, prayer, piano practice, volunteering, nootropics, CBD oil, and regular reading. And they all worked wonderfully for my sza.

My son died at the age of 30 of his sz. He refused the medication that would have probably saved his life. I was blessed enough to have a nursing education that taught me the value of medicine and it’s treatment protocols. My son unfortunately, didn’t have that.


Life is what you make of it.

You can’t control your circumstances, but you CAN control how you respond to it.

Cultivate positivity, acceptance, mercy, gratitude, generosity - all of these a little bit every day.

A road of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

It is January 1st 2018. Why not take the first step in the right direction today?

May you have a wonderful year, @anon48059102, @anon20318121, @Kazuma !
I understand your struggles. I am with you. :pray:


Not for me, personally, right now. It could turn really bad for me, though. Also, there are a lot of people in the world for whom life is terrible, people in severe poverty and chronically sick people.


You are right crimby. Many people are suffering. Hunger, abuse, illnesses. While others rejoice in life’s pleasures and don’t give a sh!t. I know I’ve been guilty before. Ignorance is as evil as evil itself.