I think I’m going to ask my pdoc what level of recovery I’m supposed to be expecting. I mean what exactly am I looking forward to. Will I eventually get to where I’m taking a shower everyday? Will I be able to go back to work? Will my moods even out? Will I recognize myself in the mirror? When will I feel like myself again? What should I expect from all these meds I’m taking? Am I just taking them to keep myself alive? There has to be more recovery than this. I miss myself.
I read somewhere that we will never be back to our old self. The psychosis changed our view and perceptions from the experience. Now we can just try getting back to a better self
Be patient @tera.
Recovery takes a long time sometimes.
Just remember to take your meds and listen to your doctors.
I just want to tell you something. I have been sick for 12 years and one day, a psychiatrist told me that there was no hope for me for a recovering, that no medication can help me. And my situation was very bad. I was severely sick!!! It was hopeless.
In 2013 I have been given new medication that made me fully recover and now I’m functional. I only have bad medication side effects.
I have problem about a psychiatrist telling you that you will never fully recover. I always think that there is hope and that we must not give up, even when we think there is no hope at all.
Also, just some months after I started my new medication that was helping, I went back at university. As soon as I finished my study, I found a job.
In only 2 years, I have changed from a poor social assisted person to a successful software developer.
Do you see how quick things can turn? It can happens to you also!
I think recovery as in reaching a level equal to, or near, your pre illness level of achievment can be a tricky thing to measure.
If you become ill young there aren’t many life achievements you can compare to. I think in that situation you can use things you might have expected to achieve if you had not gotten ill- such as an educational qualification , social network, job.