Does it give you dopamine? Cause I’m depleted from opiate abuse. How long till it helped? Does it help with ptsd?
Helps me but I have no idea about dopamine.
I had a bad reaction to it. Made me suicidal, but that’s been true for every antidepressant I’ve ever tried. They just don’t mix with me.
Made me hallucinate even worse, ramped up my visuals.
I just was put back on it recently. It makes me feel wired, makes my brain feel nice and hooked up. I was on it all through college where I maintained a 3.5 average before the schizophrenia symptoms started. Back then I was just being treated for bipolar.
I had some awful stomach aches on it this time around but I stuck it out and kept taking it and the stomach aches are a lot less pronounced now, each day they seem to get less and less painful, I think I might be able to tolerate it. It’s also been known to help some people quit smoking.
I’m also told it can worsen voices and possibly kick hypomanic patients into full mania, but I haven’t experienced that. Everybody reacts to these meds differently unfortunately.
I hope it helps me. I’m scared to try every medication
I’ve been on it two weeks now. Don’t really feel any different other than worsening insomnia
Are you sa? I am PSZ and sometimes hear voices but inside my head never outside
I have seroquel to start as well to combat insomnia.
made me manic 151515
It helped a little , made me feel connected. It was really my thyroid out of whack.
I too have been taking seroquel and it’s helped the insomnia but I’m still not sleeping as great as I was before hand.
Let’s not it’s that I was on it for two years and smoked an d got a off brand and it messed with my meds and sent me straight to hell. Try it again and got lose teeth and numbness in the face
Wellbutrin has helped me. The first few weeks I felt great. After that it kinda tapered off. I still take it for depression. It’s also helpful for ED.
Wellbutrin has been a good drug for me, been on it for 20 years, though I need a second AD still. Currently it’s combined with Cymbalta, among other meds.
There is a natural wellbutrin and that is thyroid medication called levothyroxine. Its T4 but get converted to T3 then to L tyrosine then to dopamine. So if you are experiencing symptoms of low dopamine first thing to check is if your thyroid level is optimal and correct it if low by taking levothyroxine pill.
Also take Omega 3 daily it activates your mind and thus reduces depression.
No one here experiences that. Certainly not me…
But I’m still schizo and proud of it.
Much of the negative symptoms is attributed to low dopamine in the prefrontal cortex region of brain.
Oh I know all about it. You’re right about that I agree. Increasing dopamine in the prefrontal cortex should be beneficial to a lot of schizophrenics.
I wonder why some brand name drugs such as Flonase a nasal form of an inhalant are treated with extra compound just so they don’t taste nasty. Mich like creamer with fake or treated milk in a cup of black coffee.