Let me know if

If I act aggressive or abnormal. I lowered my risperidone from 6 to 4mg over a week. No fights with my family so far.


I don’t know if the consequent evaluation as a “not sensible” and “not legally competent” person is an element of coercive psychiatry. You can medicate people and what they learn is maybe what you already know. There is a change they lower your dosage. But it is hard to come off torture.

Good luck to you @Aziz

Why did you lower your dose? Just feeling too drugged up?

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Because of choking on food, water and saliva even while sleeping. Last time I wokeup from sleep as I couldn’t breath for a minute. Maybe it will also help negative symptoms.

Yikes. That’s kind of scary. I didn’t know AP’s could do that.

Well good luck to you, hope it’ll help the negative side effects

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I want to go back the dose originally prescribed by my pdoc which is 3mg. Its my gp who upped it to 6mg after I told him it helped me with my irritability and anger issues.


What med are you on?

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I am on risperidone.

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Oh okay… I’ve never been on risperdone…

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Thats a good thing as my prolactin is now over double the max normal value.

I can feel the dopamine increase in my head, the first 2 days I had to take Tylenol bcz of headaches. Is it normal to have headaches when reducing APs?

I feel more tense like more susciptible to irritability if under stress but no stressors so far and I am in control. This morning my brother told me why I yell when talking, not a big deal.

Any med change can cause headaches.

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I go with advil for headaches, tylenol only works a little bit for me.

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Yeah I had the choking thing in my sleep too. Only on clozapine though. But it’s absolutely terrifying waking up and you can’t breathe

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I had food and took a nap. Now I feel perfect.


you wear your heart out on here so we might sense the effects of your dosage adjustment.

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