Left the house to get my meds, for an hour

And that’s the first and only time I left the house in the last month !

I had a quick coffee in town and got my meds.

I was back in the house after an hour.

I’d give the experience 5/10 :smile:


Good going @everhopeful!

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I always like to go to the Coffee shop before my appointments.

Not sure about where you are but it’s not all that busy during the day

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Can you say why you don’t get out much ?

I have the same problem and it’s because I don’t enjoy it because of mild depression.
I used to love to go places several years ago.

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Getting out feels like a chore.

Maybe if I had someone to go out with it would be better. In fact I’m sure it would be.

The only person who could go out with me would be my brother but he works full time and has 4 kids. So he has no free time.


Well done you must be proud of yourself.


Way to go @everhopeful! Success!

What would have made it higher than a 5? :hugs:

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Jeez I never knew how much your (Anhedonia?) is crippling to you.

Do you get sun ever where you are? Maybe you could find a park? With headphones?

That’s something concrete my therapist drove into me, there’s nothing like 10 minutes of sunshine. I Even got my hands on a Happy Light for S.A.D(seasonal affect disorder).

i guess your also ordering nicotine online still? I thought all that was shown to be worse, I’m like to knelt though bc I’m sick of going to the store.

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I guess if I had someone with me then it would have been higher than a 5 :thinking:

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I do most things without friends or family. I agree with you. If someone I trust goes with me, it distracts me and I stay more positive.

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