Still no word back about the application I turned in at the Casino. They have had it for 4 days now.
I’m still waiting for Social Services to schedule an exam date for the Eligibility Specialist position. God only knows how long that will take.
There were no new jobs in the paper this week that I’m interested in. I signed up for alerts on Indeed for my area. There were a couple jobs on Indeed, but they weren’t up my alley.
That is part of the reason I think it took me so long to find a job. There are lots of jobs out there but I had to find one I knew I could do that wouldn’t cause me too much stress.
For example there are plenty of restaurant jobs out there and I have 5 years of experience working in restaurants but this time I said no to that because it is too stressful. Food always has to be fast, hot and correct to the customers liking, when it gets busy it’s a lot of stress because if you screw up the manager gets pissed, its a total loss of food and you have to start over which means a loss of $$$ for the business. I didn’t want to deal with that anymore.
I went to a job fair at this casino had when I graduated high school. Lots of people but I interviewed for several positions and finally after several hours of waiting I nailed one as a valet driver. Was a good job.
If I ever get to a better point with sza I’d love to be a table games dealer.
I would give them a call on Monday and let them know you are still interested in the position. They may grant you an interview by you showing the initiative. That’s how I got an interview with the corrections department many years ago. Just by calling.
It wouldn’t hurt anything to call them and see if they looked at your application just say something along the lines of “Hi I recently just turned an application into you guys and I was wondering if you were still hiring?” That usually gets you an interview
There’s been only one job that I’ve applied for that I didn’t get hired or offered a job in my entire life up until this point. It’s hard to adjust to the fact that I’m not as desirable as I once was to employers. The eight year gap due to disability, the age and the fact that so many people are looking for work here are going to make it hard. Jobs are hard to come by here, especially ones with benefits. But I don’t have to work so I get to be picky. When the right fit comes along I’ll be ready. I just have to learn to be patient.
Prior to my current job which I only got a month and a half ago my last real job was in 2002-2003. I went about 18 years between my last job and this job, I was on disability all that time, so don’t give up!
@LilyoftheValley While on disability people have hired me to do certain jobs, like my neighbour pays me to cut his grass, others pay me to do other things, it was a way to make a little extra money. So on my resume i just wrote “self employed”, they didn’t question it.
And the job I got, in the ad for it, they were looking for people who already had jobs, but were looking to work part time to make a little extra money on the side, which fit with my “self employed” status. I had several interviews and had to write several tests, but I made a good impression on the phone interview and they hired me. I also had to have a police background check and driver record check which I passed.
Now I work as a delivery driver. I got a job at a company dropping off packages that people order online. I work 1-3 days a week, usually 2 days a week. It’s a little extra money and I enjoy the work because I drive a minivan around town all day dropping off packages. I am by myself, no manager on my ass all day long like a normal job, the minivan is air conditioned and I just drive around listening to my favorite radio stations dropping off packages. I’m really happy with my job.
Well I contacted HR to see if they knew when the county would be doing the examination for the Eligibility job and she said coincidentally that the county had just asked for the list of candidates this morning. So hopefully it won’t be long before there’s something scheduled with them. Yeah! It’s my best shot at a job because if I do well and place high on the list I have a good chance of getting hired regardless of my disability and age.
So I just got an email stating that the county would be contacting people for interviews and if I don’t hear anything in 2 weeks I may contact them. Oh I hope it’s soon.