I just got done applying for anther job. This one is a little harder. Would require more brain power and it would likely be more stressful. But it’s what I really want to be doing so I thought I would give it a shot. It’s as a Eligibility Specialist for the county Social Services office. The closing date is Feb 19th so I won’t hear anything for awhile about the test that goes a long with the application process. But the balls rolling.
Go @Leaf ! Keep on applying you will be sure to hear something soon.
so you will be making decisions on peoples application forms? i couldnt think of anyone better to do that than you
Thank you. I actually did that job before. I wasn’t on meds then and wasn’t diagnosed and ended up going out on stress leave and didn’t return to that job, I returned to a lower stress job when I finally did go back to work. But now that I’m stable on meds I might be able to do it. I’m not sure. Maybe.
I Hope you can do it, I will pray that you can do it and not get ill.
reminds me of a task i was doing today trying to repair a picture frames leg stand that had been broken of the back, i tried to fix it but couldn’t but i used my initiative and thought of a good way to repair it, i didnt repair it but if it there tomorrow i will try my method,
I use to work in a garage and i repaired a lot of things like that and it took me back to that time when i actually enjoyed fixing things
what you said made me think of that sort of revisiting the past in a way (the good part of it)
Applying for that job took me to the past too. I really loved that job prior to my freak out. I love helping people. There’s no better feeling than to help someone in crisis.
That is very true
Best of luck with everything @Leaf!
Thank you @Wave I’m just going to try to stay positive no matter what
Oh how great! I hope whatever job you get it’s one that you enjoy and fits your needs. Good thoughts, fingers crossed, air beams, whatever your thing is, I’m sending them to you.
Oh, ha ha, I’ll take the air beams or unicorns and rainbows
Best of luck on the job! I hope if you get it that you succeed with flying colors!
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