Late Onset Schizophrenia

I’m a childhood onset case, at least as far as psychosis in general goes. I’ve been in and out of delusion frequently since I was 13, but I had some feelings and delusions of persecution even younger.

Don’t play the blame game. I started out with psychotic depression, took all the meds, and still ended up with sz.


I didn’t go psychotic till I was 29. I did have a depressive break at 23. It was always going to happen but I think, for me, it’s not as severe as some!


i know a woman who didnt have her psychotic break until after she had her ovaries (i think) removed and it sent her into menopause and next thing you know shes seriously psychotic. she was like nearing 50 when this happened, yet its pretty severe with her and she’s had command hallucinations about killing her grandchild. scary stuff

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