Large portions of brain dead after 15 years of schizophrenia

personal experience has lead me to believe that large sections of brain are either dead or inactive in people with chronic psychotic disorders.
There is no cure and no new medicine will help with this. To put it shortly, if this has happened to you, you’re screwed.


Brain scans have proven this. It’s very common. The majority, but not all, of Schizophrenic people have large areas of the brain that are simply dead.

I know, I co -authored the study

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lol Sure you did

Hey your thing says deep space nine you like Star Trek?

I think you’re one of the more “cool” people on this forum. Not as cool as @chew though.

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MY brain has died and my soul…
i have only body left that does nothing…!!!:rage:

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I was not aware that I had written that on my profile. I don’t like star trek although deep space nine seemed fitting after my last major psychotic break

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I’m hungry. Just FYI.

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thanks @Sooner88. you guys are young, wait till you get older and have this illness for a while. It doesnt get any better

yea i know buddy, me too. Hanging by a thread here. I think were screwed though.

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I’m not young anymore. I’m 28. :frowning:

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30 here…!!!

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go on down to perkins and grab yoself a bite to eat

Wait for min 101 and sep 856 for negative symptoms…!!! We will get better…!!! hope dies last…!!!


thats only five to seven more years of laying in bed.

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nope min 101(phase 2 completed ) will be out as soon as 2020…u guys get it faster …its only us who gets at last like 2025 or 2030 after being generic…!!!

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ill send you a few bottles air mail if thats true

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just have your doctor make the prescription out to Rite Aid Pharmacy

U make me super happy u made my day today…!!!
i am indebted with ur kind words…!!!
In fact my brother is also in Us …he said he will call me …!!!
that’s going to be my opportunity to grab some min 101 and sep 856…in US!!!(man)
U are such a kind soul how did u suffer this mayhem…!!! do u take Ganja(marijuana)