Why progress on Schizophrenia so Slow...?

Research Research Research
I am lil too obsess with it…!!!
WE have seen HIV Drugs Cancer drugs so effective they are just incomparable…!!!
I (we) want to see progress to this rare illness(1%) sooner…!!!
Guys do u see any glimpse of hope in any research of Sz…!!!
If u have any better veiw of Research which is going on just pass me a link…!!!
I am all curious to know it…!!! U guys can call me Mr, Cure all…!!!
Am i the only looser in this town…!!

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I wouldn’t be so negative about it. We’re talking here about the brain, which is the most complicated and mysterious organ in our body. Moreover, I’m “quite” glad that I’m living in the times when they
don’'t treat me with lobotomy and electroshocks. I think crucial is to find the proper med for an individual patient. And I still remember the second generation drugs which i took about 10 years ago and in comparison to rispolept the quality of my life got extremely better. I’m sure things are going the proper direction.


Barely any funding compared to other more well-known disorders, lack of researchers due to lack of funding, sz have minority status and we all know how well the country provides service to those in the minority

Bwuh. Things are moving but far too slowly for my liking.


I’m sure it’s all about the money. Pharma companies very often block the development of certian meds, substances adn therapies on purpose, for the profit. And I’m not talking here about SZ only, but most of all about cancer.


It took 40 years since 1950s to introduce atypical antipsychotics. Maybe another 40 years for newer generation of drugs, let say, 2030?

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@firemonkey Do u have any thing to say about it …!!!

I think half the problem is that schizophrenia is an umbrella term for several similar but slightly different things. What we need for psychosis/schizophrenia is a more personalised approach but that requires money and person power.


@Opus @Andrey i miss u Guys…!!!

I joined the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP), an advocacy group for medications that would benefit people with AIDS, in 1989. At that time there was only one FDA-approved medication to help people with AIDS. It was called AZT, and it didn’t work. People were dying rapidly, so ACT-UP pushed the FDA to allow parallel track drug testing (parallel track is when a drug has shown some benefit, has not completed all trials and phases, but is made available to people with AIDS). In short, the FDA was releasing drugs at a much more rapid pace, but the drugs did not work.

I have schizophrenia, and sometimes it’s hell, so it would be a dream come true if a drug came out tomorrow and made all my symptoms go away. That said, I believe the analogy of having AIDS in 1989 and having schizophrenia today is incorrect, and let’s not sacrifice science for expediency.

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Am I the only one who is grateful that scientist are dedicating their time and funding on diseases that are terminal, like cancer and motor nurone disease?

There are worse things to have than schizophrenia. At least there is treatment for schizophrenia.

I realise this post might make me very unpopular.


Hey @far_cry0, thanks for posting. I feel the same way! It’s unnaceptable to have to take these poison pills for an invisible illness that’s not even supposed to be. What’s your definition of a cure?
What about an antipsychotic with no side effects?
Do you think they can cure this illness?

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Turtle, this post doesn’t make you unpopular at all. Although do you really believe that cancer is worse than sz? At least with cancer you get to die with dignity. Not found on the end of a rope somewhere or overdosed on prescription pills after years of battling with your mind. I don’t mean to sound harsh but am I the only one who feels less than human from this disease?
Your friend from the US meghilla Gorilla

I see your point MG and I’m sorry for not thinking more about what I wrote. I should have been more sensitive.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention without attacking me, you’re a good egg.

On a side note, I really hope today is a better day for you. PM me any time you want a chat.


You can be grateful that scientists are doing work and there are treatments and still want better treatments and more progress…I mean back in the day technically there was also “treatment” for sz…ice showers…beatings…lobotomy…nothing wrong with wanting improvement


I totally agree, there are numerous diseases which are worse. Of course schizophrenia can also be extremely terrible and often deadly (I mean in an indirect way). I also don’t want to be considered an ■■■■■■■, but I think here the person has more influence on his/her recovery. However, I’m also aware that probably not always.

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Oh yes, I don’t dispute schizophrenia is deadly. I’ve contemplated suicide on many number of occasions.

I just get a little sensitive about this because my grandmother died from motor nurone disease and it was absolutely horrific. Her life got taken away from her. Her mind still worked but her body became her prison.

Eventually she requested to have her feeding tubes removed.

Nah turtle it was nothing you said, in fact I’m sure you’re right. I’m just in a bad mood today.

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@far_cry0 - It’s ok buddy, I’m here. We’re in this together. There must be a heaven somewhere for people who have endured the worst kind of schizophrenia. Although I still believe we will live to see the day when a cure emerges.

@anon84763962, there are different types of schizophrenia. Mine for example is not so much different from a terminal illness, in that I can barely feel alive at all. I have no emotions whatsoever and my willpower is down to microscopically small levels.

@kindness, I understand the reasoning behind ACT-UP but sometimes you can’t speed up drug discovery. It’s like saying that having two pregnant mothers incubate a foetus will reduce the gestational period from 9 month to 4 and a half :slight_smile: It’s against nature… However, I can’t ignore the fact that AIDS sufferers nowadays no longer have it rough and they have access to much better treatments than 30 years ago, which is not the case for many schizophrenics…


That’s debatable. Cancer can be a terrible illness and can have a painful drawn out end after first stripping away both physical and mental well-being.


I think we need to stop psychiatrists who make the decision to turn people into walking heart attack risks just because they have psychosis.