I wonder if this is temporary or if the disease is progressing.
It happened before and I asked my psychiatrist about it. They suggested I find new interests which I felt was a bit of a brush off.
I wonder if this is temporary or if the disease is progressing.
It happened before and I asked my psychiatrist about it. They suggested I find new interests which I felt was a bit of a brush off.
Anhedonia makes me go insane. That’s why I have to take an antidepressant.
Ever, dear, I remained anhedonic for years… Maybe an ad can help, but I cant take them so I force myself. It helps, but I have a many work on this do to…
Well, we have depressing lives with our isolation, we should try to break it…
this was me the past few weeks. I know I don’t have Sz but it was progressing so bad, worse ever than the past 6 years. I was in crisis from it and somewhat didn’t even care to do anything about it. Got to the point where I could barely move. I felt like my brain was dying because I felt no pleasure or motivation, or anything, just stuck. But I tried a new med dosage and I am having a better day. My point is Ive just had 2 days that were a little better so this may be a bad time for now.
It sounds hard. Are you getting enough sleep? That can affect me.
Yes, 12 hours a night in general.
Yes, maybe you’re right and it’s just temporary. I hope so.
I suffer from awful anhedonia, I can’t even listen to music.
My doctor also brushes it off.
Maybe it’s temporary @everhopeful.
Wishing you well!
I have major problems with pleasure and enjoyment.
I can’t listen to music much either. Doing most things that used to bring me enjoyment and happiness just make me sad now because I can’t feel anything positive from them.
It’s all gotten much worse since my last major episode, back in July of 2019.
I think im experiencing the same thing. it sucks, I feel you.
im also trying to expand my interests. I’ve been buying books about religion and reading those lately, also I’ve been trying to be more reflective and spend more time in nature, but that is hard to do in the winter.
all my old hobbies no longer entertain me but I still do some of them and it feels forced. I think it’s the disease progressing for me. or maybe it’s the meds, just thinking I was crazy but happy off of meds. now I struggle to do things and have bad anhedonia. hoping it gets better when temperatures warm up in a month.
WTF are you talking about?
It is a brush off. Oh hey doc I’m not interested in anything. “oh well find new interests” what so I can be not interested in those things too? How dumb is that? The correct answer is you seem to have anhedonia, let’s address your antidepressant or how’s your other symptoms, not “oh well find new interests” that was half-assed.
@Wave ignore it. I deleted it.
One of my British born compatriots has an extended family after losing his father at a young age, I don’t want to go into details about his personal life, he’s doing quite well with a child and second wife, Tamil, also British born. He gets really angry with me for praising the elites all the time and is studying to be a pilot of metal planes, but I don’t think he wants kids, one is enough. I’ve never been to China but my father has on a trade mission, I saw a documentary about the cranes and the sea horses, but I’d really like to recommend a Badger or a Raccoon. Can you eat starfish;?; The word I’m looking for is kitsune. Correctly used meds can be powerful. Thank you.
I have experienced worsening anhedonia over the past two years. I used to have interests and hobbies i could get focused on. I haven’t pursued my hobbies or interests for a very long time now. I just can’t find the enjoyment/interest in the things I once used to do.
Omega 3, DMG helps to improve interest.
Phosphatidylserine soy version can reduce emotional blunting.
I had extreme and severe negatives.
Now they’re gone.
I enjoy the small things in life.
And especially music again
NAC helps a lot with motivation and pleasure.
I think ALCAR as well becuase it is similar to anti deperssants and it is also increase physical and mental energy. Try both of them.
You could also try MCT oil.
I actually tried NAC. It seems that there’s an interaction between NAC and abilify whereby it makes abilify less effective. I had suicidal ideation while on it.
I’ve just ordered some curcumin now. There’s some research that seems to suggest that it helps negatives.
Thanks for the ideas though.
I think the Abilify causes you anxiety. It may worsen anhedonia. If you want to take that medication you have to accept that is what it does to you. The “supplements” cannot help I am afraid. You have tried many a supplement.
I am taking stinging nettle food supplement and it seems to help with appetite.
I don’t think mine could get any worse. It’s just part of life with schizophrenia but I hope you get back to where you were.