Kissing,tell me about it

I have only kissed one girl on the cheek once,but we both are not in love so there was no good feeling.Have you ever kiss someone that you love and it feels great?Can be mouth to mouth kissing or just kissing on other part.

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I haven’t kissed a girl in like 12 years but I used to love it. Proper French kissing - it was so intimate. I have been told I am a good kisser :relieved:

never been kissed…

Only been with one bad kisser. It’s not exactly his fault, of course, but it was terrible.

Kissing is beautiful. :smile:


just remember to brush your teeth…

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Yeah kissing is cool though… that’s all I can say…

You don’t always have to ■■■■ her hard… in fact sometimes that’s not right… to do…
some times you gotta make that puppy love and give some ■■■■’n smooches too…

It repulses me and i hate it.

I can still remember my first kiss and how awful it felt, so disgusting.

It also doesn’t help knowing that they are breeding all of us and will soon enough wipe the planet away just because they are done with it. And im not talking about humans here.

Goddamn i can still remember the tongue. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I don’t know how people do it and like it. Bloody rotting tongue in my mouth, being bred like an animal on a farm, bodily mortal fluids, ewwww.

I’ve actually never been a fan of mouthxmouth kissing, like tongue and all that jazz, I actually find it kind of gross and awkward. I prefer to kiss and nicely bite someone’s body parts, but that’s just me, to each their own.


Save the tongue for other parts of the body, the lips are for kissing…Mmmmmm…softly, slowly, moving up and down and around the…Oh Boy!


I have not kissed anyone since three years ago and was not that great so it all depends. If you are the receiving end of it and was not expecting it . It was awkward. It just was unwanted. So that was my story.