Do you like kissing? [poll]

Do you like to French kiss?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

I never liked kissing in my teenage years, it bothered me a lot. Even though I have read it is healthy, it is not something I look forward to.

Not really. I always used to feel awkward doing it.


Never did a French kiss in my life. All Iā€™ve done is a kiss on the cheek or the hand.

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Just the idea , I mean if the other has not brushed the teeth etc oh it is a disaster!
and sharing a chewing gum?!

I have a couple friend who share an ice-cream :flushed: I mean even if I have a kid, I would not share a spoon with the baby.

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Never done it French style.



Have you done Gangnam style?


I canā€™t say I have :confused::confused::confused::confused: Iā€™ve never danced in my life :see_no_evil:

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Iā€™m really sorry for you Ish.
You had sex without foreplay then?
No surprise you didnā€™t enjoy itā€¦

Yes, oral hygiene is crucial for a good kissing experience. I used to be pretty luck in this respect, but I ran out of luck when schizophrenia hit me. Since then I only kissed one girl, and I was still delusional at that time :flushed: Although she didnā€™t seem to mindā€¦


Never kissed, never dancedā€¦
Youā€™re missing out of many interesting aspects of life :slight_smile:


Oh Iā€™ve kissed but not the full thing I mean it was no tongues lol

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Iā€™m glad cos he was a prick anyway


Yeah, I like kissing. I mean it gives me a natural buzz and you genuinely feel closer to the person. Whatā€™s not to like!


In my teenage years, I was hanging with lots of the girls and did French kissing all the time. It seemed like it was in for everyone back then. My last kissing was in 2003 - the girl in a club was saying that I kiss like a master, haha.


I like normal kissing, French kissing not so much. Tongues are weird and kind of gross. Like sometimes itā€™s nice. But mostly itā€™s weird.

My ex was not a good kisser, if we frenched he would start sucking on my tongue really hard!! I tried to correct him but he always ended up doing it anyways.

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:joy: LOL actually now that I think about it. I had one very very handsome boyfriend. He was a great kisser :thinking: He was just too handsome! Boo he was into drugs. I dated him for like 1-2 months. Apparently he is divorced now.

one of the guys I dated when I checked up on years later he was a drug dealer I was like oh noooo lol

I had a brief ā€œbad boyā€ phase. Funny as I was a goody two shoes. Opposites attract I guess.

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I love to french kiss. I remember french kissing my first girlfriend and feeling high afterwards. I had butterflies in my stomach.


I donā€™t even know what this means? what is a ā€˜bad boyā€™ anyway? someone irresponsible and immature?
I met someone I really liked and kept in touch for like a year. He thinks he is a bad boy but really he is immature, a bit weird, creepy and I think he also he seems disturbed in a way. But I am attracted to him :flushed: Donā€™t even know why?! He is evasive, a liar and what else? I still think of messaging him :flushed:

He was a tough guy, hung out with a crowd who was known for misbehaving in school and had a ā€œdonā€™t careā€ attitude.

He was perfectly sweet to me though. Always wanted to spend time with me, got me little presents, and once even beat up a guy who had been bothering me :sweat_smile: Honestly he was the best boyfriend I ever had.


awwww so sweet :o) That is nice. It is one of the only most important thing I looked for) and it is something I never got. Mr x is so cool about this stuff, he does not care at all unless we fight about it. (I do not mean the beating, I mean the protecting)

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