Kissing: How Do You Rate? Just a Fun Thread

Are you a good kisser?

My wife has always said that I’m a great kisser. After our Wedding vows I gave Hon a little soft peck on the lips in the Church. I didn’t dive in with my tongue flapping!

So…are you a Sloppy Joe? Or a Gregory Peck! :slight_smile:


I have been told I kiss pure sex! This was from an admitted nymphomaniac too so yeah - I got my system down


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Dont know. Out of practice. I probably would suck. But who cares anyway? Not like I need to kiss well with my lifestyle. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who knows. I doubt i will kiss anyone again the way things are going

I think there really is an ‘Art’ to being a good kisser…although I’d have trouble explaining how it all works.

You’re missing the best part.

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That’s a great word. Not “science” lol

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Haven’t kissed since I was married years ago but when I did kiss I wasn’t into French kissing so much.

Actually kind of disgusting if you ask me

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I’m a peck kinda person. I don’t want someone sloppy all over me. (That didn’t come out right lmao)

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I think this belongs in your ‘dirty mind’ thread! :laughing:

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I warned you lol

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@Wave @Turtle44 I like long “le french” sessions. A peck doesn’t mean anything for me lmaooo

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Kiss kiss bang bang


Now my tail is all bushed out.


:rofl: I have dentures like if it got hot and heated they may end up in his mouth LMFAO


I am a very good kisser…always been told so…my first wife didn’t really know what she was doing but it got the job done…but she was an awkward frencher…


My girls will be 20 years old next week…and I still kiss them on the forehead and on top of their heads.

One daughter STILL holds my hand when we go on walks. The other will just grab my arm…like she is escorting me…when we’re out and about.


licking-the-camera-viralhog (1)

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i know i must be a terrible kisser cause ive only kissed someone once for maybe 10 seconds and i hated it. i think its gross. i forgot i guess i have to say twice but my first kiss was a peck on the lips.

It depends who you are kissing and what mood you are in.

Maybe you have a headache…:crazy_face:

Maybe to someone I’m nice to kiss and to another not so.

Do they love you… do you have chemistry…etc