Do you still French kiss? And either way, how old are you?

I don’t count because I don’t date.

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I’ve never liked french kissing. It creeps me out and reminds me of a guy that assaulted me when I was little. I’m 31.


I also don’t french kiss. I’ve never liked it, and my husband doesn’t care too much for it either.


I’ve always kissed that way. I turned 35 yesterday.

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I love french kissing! For me it’s the best warm up before sex. When your doing it is complicated, but when I have a pause it’s great to have some cuddle and kisses.

Kissing turns me on and I love it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m 28, I’ve always hated french kissing.
I find it gross and sloppy and confusing and most people don’t do it right anyways, and then they get offended when I try to tell them I don’t like it that way.

I don’t like touching people’s tongues, and I don’t like having them in my mouth. I also don’t like feeling like I can’t breathe.
It seems like something people do because they’ve been taught it’s supposed to be sexy, and that annoys me.


I don’t even know what it is, never kissed someone…

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ha I used to make out with my girlfriends and French kiss with them. when I was in my 20’s. why? I don’t know, people kissed in movies and stuff. but after awhile of no kissing I’ve grown to like life without it. now 33. if she wants to kiss I tell her manly things like, get your girlfriend to do with that you. lol, I don’t kiss anymore

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I love kissing and I’m 33.


All these answers are very interesting. I was working on the informal hypothesis that people French kiss when they are young and get away from it when they get older. I guess I was wrong. I guess everybody’s different.

French kissing is when people kiss with open mouths and their tongues are touching.


Like this? :wink:



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I despise the act of French kissing. It grossed me out to watch also. I will be 30 on Father’s Day.


I don’t french kiss, the only thing I kiss are my pup and my cat :joy:


I love it depending on who with.

Anders used to hate it.

It reminded him of birds feeding their young.

I have kissed one man with disgusting saliva to me.(other woman or men may of lived his saliva but to me it was incest feeling about it and it tasted and felt disgusting)

My partner and I kissed awesomely in the beginning but some spirit kept stopping us from kissing with tounge and it didn’t flow like it used to after that.

We mainly give a kiss on the lips without tounge but it feels like home.
His taste and smell and feel is so great and feels right n where I want be.

I French kissed some boyfriends but mainly not.

One man was so gentle .
Lol it was nice but despite how handsome and kind I thought it was I saw him as family and not boyfriend for some reason but it was delusion cause I thought I had another father but that’s not true.

I would love to touch cuddle more but I appreciate our daily kisses even though they are not with tounge.

How can kissing get worse and more difficult and stagnated when it used to flow naturally…

Another being might be trying to seperate …

I almost feel shy and awkward but it’s the other one I feel…

I adore kisses I get from my man and still hope we will get more jiggy .

All these people saying they hate French kissing is to me like people saying they like the typical antipsychotics. I find it incomprehensible.

I love it, but my bf and I don’t, probably due to our bad teeth.

I’ve never cared for it. When I was younger I had to really try to not think about it to do it. If I thought about how I was getting someone else’s spit in my mouth I would gag.

I don’t really do it anymore. I’m 38. I just don’t enjoy it.

Nah I don’t like French kissing.
I don’t like peck kissing either.
Normal kissing is good.