kissed someone properly whilst sober.
I hope it is nice when I do
what is it like to kiss and enjoy kissing, whilst sober?
what are your experiences with kissing?
kissed someone properly whilst sober.
I hope it is nice when I do
what is it like to kiss and enjoy kissing, whilst sober?
what are your experiences with kissing?
My first kiss when I was 11 years old was shockingly bad. But after that I was kissing up a storm at some of the parties I went to. I really enjoyed it then.
Depends on the kisser and where the kisses take place!
I only kissed a guy properly once that was quite nice lol.
I was so drunk and I was about 26.
he was so ■■■■■■■ attractive to me. at that time.
I think it was because I was drunk I felt confident to go forward with it
and it was really funny too lols
I had just ended a relationship of some sort and so had he so we were kind of in a same place
he was a year or two younger than me hehe
PS I do not drink alcohol anymore
I’m glad you don’t drink anymore. It just leads to trouble.
The first time I kissed was at 22 and it was unexpected, this drunk 26 year old made out with me. I complied because I was afraid to look like a guy who doesn’t know how to kiss her. Completely awkward.
thanks @GrayBear, well I cannot speak for others but it certainly is not for me
were you drunk too?
I’m embarrassed to say this but I’m 26, never kissed a girl, and still a virgin. MI took away any chance with another girl.
you could still have a chance it just makes things more challenging sometimes.?
I know of a guy who has sz and he has had plenty of gfs so it is possible, well it was for him anyways
Kissing makes you think you know sim when you are only dreaming it up. Trust me on that one. It makes a real optimist out of you and reality can take years to hit.
it sounds like you might be suggesting that they are not actually as ‘good’ as the kiss implies?
am I misunderstanding?
I never kissed and was a virgin until I got married. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s okay.
I think I passed by you on the trolley once, some years ago. I was like, “Whoa!”
It depends on SZ severity.
lols are you talking to me ?
well thankyou hehe
I don’t know what you look like but I am sure you are a handsome fella
No, I meant Oola, I may have seen you near a Comic Convention once upon a time. I am not handsome.
I don’t know, uh… maybe you’re the handsome one then.