Ketogenic diet benefits

I have heard that a ketogenic diet can cure schizophrenia. I gave up sugar and have a high fat diet and Ive been recovered now for six months been able to halve my medication any one else tried it?

It seems too simple and itā€™s hard to believe. But hey, anythings possible, right?

Having a high fat diet can lead to high cholesterol if itā€™s not plant fat your eating

Iā€™ve used a ketogenic diet to lose weight a couple of times. It has helped with weight loss but has had no effect on my SZ. Sorry.


This diet almost killed me a couple years ago. I thought it would cure my SZ (at the time I was desperate for a cure, I had only been diagnosed for a year) I stopped taking my meds and started this dietā€¦I lost 80 odd pounds, but mostly because I couldnā€™t digest the plant fats I was eating (I have a rare disorder where I cannot digest plant proteins or fats, no gluten, no corn, no soy, no wheat, nothing, I can have plants in my food, but it does not digest and some of it makes me very sick) I got so sick both physically and mentally my then GF found me in the basement after six months of not contacting her, I wasnā€™t ā€˜thinā€™ though I went from 200 lbs to only 120 in that short time, and I was paranoid that the light would melt my skin. I do not remember any of this, but a few months later, after she had helped me come to terms with my illness, she died. I almost fell back into that darknessā€¦

EDIT: she was at college so thatā€™s why it took her a while to get to me

i am following some of this guyā€™s advice but i am not cutting out all carbs entirelyā€¦ limiting sweets and high glycemic foods helps me manage my hunger better and helps with my depression. strength training is really good too. i felt crappy for a week or two when i started but actually feel pretty good latelyā€¦ i just have to not be obsessed in sticking to it too rigidly i think.

I heard fasting can cure sz as well.
I have been fasting for three days now. Yesterday I had a really bad day and was stuck in my other brain all day, but today I feel okay. I was very hyper and silly all day.

Yes, because nothing stabilizes SZ symptoms like stressing your body and throwing its chemistry entirely out of whack.

(Drops microphone.)

Cā€™mon peopleā€¦ Healthy diet, regular exercise, good attitude, and following the direction of your treatment team including meds as necessary. SZ may not be curable, but itā€™s damn well treatable so long as you donā€™t fall for stupid fads.



I have to fast anyways for religious and personal reasons, so I might as well see what it does for me.

If you do go on a keto diet, just warn everyone around you.


May I suggest a more convenient religion? Mine allows the mass consumption of pasta. Thatā€™s important.


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Iā€™m afraid of pasta.


Check this out

A study of a single individual?!?!?

I went paleo before my collapse and it didnā€™t help me in anything. I lost a lot of pounds (I think it was 90 pounds), but mentally I was terribly sick.

Lots of people with eating disorders now, like who hasnā€™t got one yā€™know , I have a poor diet and low metabolic rate I think which makes it worse, not enough physical exercise either, and food/exercise chemicals to make me feel good.

Could somebody please list the different types of feel good chemicals released from food and drink and exercise that leads to a healthy brain? I am very interested. :wink:


EDIT: Schizophrenia or any other mental illnesses donā€™t have any sure cure as of now. Neither ketogenic diet is a cure.

What you are calling ā€œa single individualā€ in scientific and medical research field is know as ā€œcase studyā€

Check this links out

Well you still might refute these as single individuals or as I prefer to refer to them as case studies

Mark Mattson- a neuroscientist who studies aging and especially aging and functions of aging brain tells about fasting and diet consisting of healthy fats and their effects on brain.

You still might consider it biased.

Check this studies out

Neuroprotective and disease-modifying effects of the ketogenic diet

Long-term effects of a ketogenic diet in obese patients

See I am really disappointed by the fact that you are a moderator and you are not open about probability you might be wrong or have incomplete knowledge.

See I am in no way against you personally. I am not anti-psychiatry or antimedication either. In fact I take a antipsychotic currently and they have helped me. Neither I encourage my fellow friends to discontinue taking medication and I am against dropping meds without professional inspection or advice. But unfortunately there are people I have read who donā€™t benefit even from potent an antipsychotic such as clozapine. Such people need to resort to other treatment options. One of them is ketogenic diet. But when people in a position such like yours or other psychiatrists refute them patients whose conditions might have been improved by other add-on options donā€™t take them as seriously. Thatā€™s an unfortunate thing.

This threadā€™s title was ā€œketogenic diet cureā€. Thereā€™s no cure for schizophrenia, and the keto diet might be helpful, and if you use the search bar on this forum youā€™ll find other threads with this info. Donā€™t claim cures when there is none.

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Obvisoulsy. Schizophrenia or any other mental illnesses donā€™t have any sure cure as of now. Neither ketogenic diet is a cure.

But there are adequate treatment options and therapies that help patients keep their problematic symptoms in check and help them function an ordinary life. And its completely other point how many patients receive adequate choices.

I wonā€™t argue the benefits of diet, but itā€™s no cure.