I follow this woman on Instagram and I came across her story and to my horror she states she “used to live with schizophrenia” and how her keto diet cured her. It just baffles me at how she can make such a statement. I used to be really influenced by her and did the keto diet from March-August of this year. Tried to come off my meds and it was a disaster. I think it is really dangerous what she is promoting.
I agree. Many people do promote magical cures to sz and it detracts from the fact that it’s a disease that requires medication - doesn’t help the crowd that already doesn’t believe it’s a real illness
Even worse patients who get misled are harmed
Exactly my thoughts!
There are quacks everywhere on YouTube
One has to be very careful following these charlatans
There’s many delusional people who think they’re cured but at the same time, it is a myth that people can’t recover from sz. They can and do. Has this person? I have no clue.
I have been following Lauren also. I don’t think she is being 100% truthful in what she is telling us. She is becoming involved with the Bazuki group that is promoting this keto diet and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is being paid by them to promote keto.
That being said, I am on the keto diet and I love it. It keeps my blood sugar stable and my weight stable, helps my anxiety and depression and reduces my positive symptoms of sz but it is not 100% effective. I continue to relapse on this diet so that is far from a cure - at least for me.
Oh what? Ive seen a few of her sz videos on youtube over the years. Didn’t know she’s now claiming to have cured it with keto! Interesting. Thanks!
I highly doubt that insanity is caused by diet. Which is basically what she is saying.
I wonder if in a few months time, she’ll become psychotic or manic again and have to refute the things she’s saying about keto being a cure. I predict she’ll become manic sooner or later. Since she has schizoaffective disorder, not schizophrenia. I was on a massive healthy stint years ago that sent me insane. Off meds, impeccaple diet, no smoking, regular intense exercise and tons of meditation. Ended up super manic and very psychotic after the mania stopped me from sleeping.
I wish the best for her. But i think she’s very wrong in claiming carbohydrates and sugars are a main root cause of sz/sza.
my family said I don’t have sz/sza
I hope she’s right I really really do but I doubt it
I think due to the fact it’s sza bipolar type she’s gonna go manic and feel good till psychosis fully sets in
Paranoia and psychosis is hell it goes good grandiose then when you least expected it boom paranoid delusions
She flashes deception when she’s talking.
Oh! You noticed it too!
Someone just posted about her again on here but now I can’t find it, wonder if the post got shut down.
I got tired of always being in the dark from missing social cues and spent a small fortune on training to learn to read microexpressions and body language. Lauren fairly reeks to me when I watch her videos.
I ate a mars bar and it cured my brain.
*Sir Level the charlatan *
Doooood I can relate. The grease from my chorizo burritos cleared my bald spots.
Chorizo grease is an ancient healing ointment. Got a sore elbow? Grease that baby up with chorizo and you will be as limber as a brick of mozzarella cheese.
Yeah man. The Aztecs even used it to grease their hair back.