I hear an evil voice that keeps asking me, “Have you figured it out yet?” I think he is referring to how I die. The voice keeps laughing at me and saying “It’s so funny!” I think he is saying that I will die in a funny way.
For some reason I keep thinking I know how I will die. Sometimes it’s an illness and sometimes it’s some sort of accident. I’m always wrong, but I keep thinking that I will be right some day.
i’m afraid of a scandal breaking out, me becoming famous, then me getting assassinated. i know i could be wrong, so i dont think it’s a delusion, but it’s a paranoia that teeters in delusion if i think about it too much.
I nearly killed myself twice intentionally from psychosis delusions and not from depression. I thought I needed to prove to myself that I am God and that its impossible for me to die.
I have the sensation of impending doom. I have a fear of hell and I know that I’m wretched in the eyes of God. I want to do right, but I can’t seem to surrender it all. I am indoctrinated into the apostolic Pentecostal church, I’m a meth addict which is like putting gas on a fire concerning my committee . Not only do they criticize me, like I’m a third person, they torment me by taunting me with terrifying statements concerning various ways to be tortured and killed then awaken to judgement and condemned to hell. My voices vascillate from being my friends, demons or the fBI conspiring to set me up and putting me in an isolated cell to be forgotten about cause all I am is a number that my dad sold me to the government for an expirament to see how long a person can live being totally neglected naked, cold, existing on my own urine and feces, equipped with a lithium battery that has been implanted in me to guarantee my heart won’t quit. Yep, its much worse than a nightmare.
When I’m not using the poison I’m addicted to, I hear the nice committee, same voices but different dialogue and I hear full orchestrated music. Every instrument with precision. Some for days on end until I go to the grocery store and pick up another melody. I hope God has mercy on my soul.
I haven’t read the community guidelines. I may be way out there. I’m just sharing a part of me that I have never shared before.