Justin Bieber may have some talent

“Sorry” has been on repeat for me, It’s catchy :sunglasses: … other than that I think he’s famous for being famous.

It better be good, it took 5 people to write it.


JB is all over the music charts now. He’s teamed up with some talented people. I don’t care for him though!

I love how this is in the Unusual Beliefs section.


Somebody noticed!



Don’t worry about him. He’s coming to Croatia. :evil smiling here:

I don’t like a lot a lot of things about him and I don’t care about him, but he definitly has talent. I personally don’t care for his music; it’s aimed at teenyboppers anyway. But he didn’t get to his position in the music world by faking it or by his looks alone. His talent is the real deal even if he acts like a spoiled jerk.

He came to portugal and some girls tattooed his name on their bodies!! :smile:

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He may be talented, but I don’t think he’s put it to good use. I just think his music won’t hold up enough over time. I’ll take artists like Radiohead and Coldplay over him any day.

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