Just want to cry this morning šŸ˜æ

Just woke up feeling like crap. Man I hate mornings


Sorry to hear it, but it should be over in an hour or two right? Maybe coffee helps? I usually grab a soda and a cigarette just after waking up, then eat breakfast and do my bathroom stuff for the day. By then Iā€™m usually feeling better.

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Thanks for the message. Yeah it does get better but it takes me about 3 hours to feel ok again.

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I slept through a day I had planned with my mom yesterday, didnā€™t wake up til 8pm and she had already left back to maryland whereā€™s she staying during her visit. I was really down because of it. Basically three or four days ago I slept all day and turned my sleep schedule backwards. Thatā€™s my biggest obstacle lately. I have to stay up all night and all day the following day and pass out at 9 or 10 pm to fix it, but its hard to stay up when the morning light comes, the voices go away, and I feel sleepy.

Plus at night, thereā€™s not as many people to talk to on here :open_mouth: I donā€™t know what to do with myself.

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Funny you should mention staying up at night. I do much better when my sleep schedule is reversed. I donā€™t get these hellish mirnings

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My first job out of college was a shift from 4pm to 1am, I got off and stayed up hanging out with my friend from work or playing online games, went to bed at 8 am and woke up at 3 pm. It was a really good schedule for me, I did my normal stuff during my days off.

Reminds me of that show called Night Court, they had an episode called ā€œDay Courtā€ where they dragged the whole cast into morning routines, and it screwed them all so badly, except for the bailiff who became super happy because sheā€™s a ā€œmorning person.ā€

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Anyway Iā€™ll try not to bug you and let you get the jitters out, just wanted to say hi because itā€™s kind of dead around here. Good luck with your day! :smiley:

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You arenā€™t bugging me at all! I appreciate your posts!


I just try and think what to do with myself when I wake up, I usually go out for coffee lol it helps me to adjust to the new day

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I am actually starting to feel better! Only took 1 hour this morning. Maybe I am turning a corner

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The mornings are usually pretty good for me. Itā€™s the afternoons that are dreary. Time passes so slow during the afternoons.

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Oh thatā€™s great! Whatā€™s helping me is looking at a recent text from my mom that was very encouraging. She reminds me that Iā€™m doing a lot better. Iā€™m starting to have ambitions, like driving again and checking my e-mail regularly. I know that might sound small but itā€™s pretty big for me.


Great things come from small beginnings my friend! Keep up the good work

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I feel your pain. My mornings are horrific. I wish there was a solution.

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I get a lot of anxiety before going to school in the mornings. But my meds help, and so do my therapy techniques Iā€™ve learned.

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Omg, yes. That ā€œbefore school morning anxietyā€ was absolute hell.


if its getting better jim then that is a result, hopefully it will continue to improve, you are still adjusting to your new dose as well,

how is your eyes now btw? still blurry?

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They get blurry at the end of the day mostly. Are ok now

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My mornings are often almost unbearable. So I understand. Often after I drop the kids off at school I go back to bed for an hour or so. It helps. But not good for having a productive day.

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