Just took 2 mg of Ativan

I can’t handle this insomnia any longer. I caved in and just took 2 mg of Ativan. I hope it puts me to sleep soon. Its 7:30 AM here and ive been attempting to fall asleep since midnight.

I hope all of you have a great day.


Sorry you’re still having trouble with this. Hope the 2mg does the trick

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@Joker - Thank you!

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I think im going to take 1 more mg. Still cant sleep. Fu*k this stupid brain of mine );

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Do you have any other meds that are sedating?

Sucks when PRN can’t do the job.

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@Kxev - Thanks for the reply. I do have Olanzapine which is sedating.

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Maybe that can help - with the extra mg

But are you fighting day light now?

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Yes i’m fighting day light now

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@Kxev - So I just took 2 more mg of Ativan. Also 10 mg of my beta blocker and one of my Olanzapine tablets. Hope to fall asleep soon.

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I hope you comeback 8 hours later and post that you slept =)

Try your best to let those med relax you and get some sleep.

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Thank you sir! I appreciate that @Kxev

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I did finally fall asleep. I woke up at 1:15 PM.


@TheCanuk Glad you fell asleep.

Luckily my normal meds worked for me last night.

But I have had nights like you had last night.

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