Man it was horrible. Still feel not right
If you don’t mind me asking, which med was it and what happened?
It was 5mg Valium. I got really angry and disinhibited. Was convinced a stranger was video taping me. Came within a hairswidth of verbally losing myself.
Was really not like me at all
I’m glad you are feeling at least a little better now.
I spoke to the weekend nurses. They said I should feel free to phone them anytime
â– â– â– â– benzos man. I never had a bad reaction, but some people literally lose there memory/consciousness for months.
Certain benzos do the same thing to me.
I think it was lorazepam, made me even worse !!
Klonopin works fine though
Good, this is why I hate taking Klonopin.
It makes me feel “drugged” up.
Ativan made me hallucinate!
i liked the diazepam when i took it bc it just calmed me down, i use to get really uptight and anxious but it is a bit better now
i think the nurse gave you good advice bc thats what i do when i need help, the nurse can put you at ease,
Im glad you’re feeling a little better @anon94176359
I was in a similar situation myself
Well after my coffee episode I took another diazepam. This was an experiment to see if I got agitated again.
This time was totally fine, great infact. I felt a lot calmer and there was no anger.
I think my earlier episode was brought on from being in a crowded supermarket. I haven’t properly left the flat in months so it is understandable to be overwhelmed.
But I am definitely give my parents my diazepam to keep at their house. They live round the corner so I can get access to them in the event of emergencies
I always felt good on 1mg of Ativan and 1mg of Klonopin. Wish I was still on them.
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