As I missed my depot last Thursday as I was waiting in for my new laptop. I didn’t think they would be that bothered about it being a few days late.
They gave it to me in my spare bedroom .
I’m guessing they think it’s important. I have my doubts due to the “I’m not mentally ill I’m just socially dysfunctional” thinking I get.
Yes, psychiatrists, therapists, mental health professionals want us medicated, thats for sure.
My psychiatrist basically freaked out and threatened to hospitalize me, because she though that I was thinking of leaving my meds.
Control is very important to these doctors, I kind of do see their point
depots didn’t work for me but i have heard that they are good if you forget to take meds and stuff,
i just remember a room full of people and a women (who looked very young) getting the needle ready as i sat there, i said i couldn’t do it, fkn needles freak me out, i mean i was getting it for a time but things got really messed up.
but i’m glad you got your shot anyway
I would do anything to get someone to go to my son`s place to give him his meds!!!
It was a very young woman who gave me the depot. She was either recently qualified or a student.