Wow! First, let me say that you are brave for sharing something that is really traumatic to you. From that, alone, I say you’re strong. NEVER forget that.
Secondly, I can see how deeply this has affected you. I’m proud of you for not burying this to deal with some other time, or never. That’s important!
It’s important to say what kind of person a bully is. It’s usually someone who is insecure, thinks poorly of himself, even alone.
Thanks for sharing your story with me. I wish you peace, happiness, and good will!
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You’re exactly the kind of person someone warned me about. Thanks for your concern. But you have no clue how this effects people if you think ptsd can’t trigger early onset sza. And it’s no big deal. Why are you such a bully. And an ■■■■■■■. Get a life. Stop reading my threads if they bother you so much. I don’t read yours. Idc.
This is exactly what I’m talking about,
You act like a twelve year old.
You’re a grown ass man,
Grow up.
Stop intimidating/trolling/bullying/harassing people… Leave me alone. Call me all the words you want. You are still a weak little person inside
Have a great night 
You’re not worth the response I was writing.
Whatever you want to think, man.
You’re a sad person and you have my pity.
No let me see it. I wanna see how “obsessed” you are with me.
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Annoyed is the correct word.
You shouldn’t have such hate and anonomocity towards people. Learn to help. Learn to forgive. Yourself. You have such an anger and fury. And hate. And so do I. But I express how I feel and I don’t try to bring down other people in times of need/emergency/crisis. You have no idea what I go through. Wtf is your issue. Can you please never respond to my threads. I saw your stupid passive aggressive thread targeting me and a few others the other day. Just cuz we wouldn’t get along don’t mean ppl don’t respect me. Leave me alone
That thread was not targeting you or anyone else in particular.
It was a genuine question.
Not everything is about you, homie.
Well if you were more considerate you wouldn’t make threads that seem like it’s targeting people on a paranoid schizophrenic board…
I’m not a very considerate person,
You got me.