Even though I had a bad experience when we over did the emdr last time and a flood of bad memories came, since I haven’t felt bothered by past traumas as much. Well we’re gonna be doing it again in 11 days and I told her I wanna do it once a month. But last time I think we went too hard with it.
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What is emdr? 1111111111111
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Eye movement desensitization and refocus I think.
It’s for trauma issues/ptsd/anxiety
It’s done with specialty therapists.
Well last time we did it we did it too intensely and I had an overload of negative thoughts , but since then, since that, very few negative thoughts about the past
Good luck with it!
You’re trying to get better and that’s is what is more important
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I did this therapy for trauma. It helped a little but it was hard for me to do.
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