Just had a panic attack

I just took 1.5 mg of Ativan. I had a panic attack. Still feeling lots of baseline anxiety but its not a full blown panic attack anymore as of right now.

I re-started on Escitalopram today. I know SSRI’s can increase anxiety at the start of taking them before they make you feel better. I just gotta tough it out.

I feel like im suffering. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to go over my blood and urine test results. I hope she gives more ativan too. I think she will.

Anyone have any positive words for me?


Hang in there man.

Have any idea what triggers them?

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Sometimes its completely random like it was today. Sometimes its caused by social events.

Hope you’re doing well Dizzy.

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I think Escitalopram can treat panic attacks

From Google

Escitalopram is a type of antidepressant known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It’s often used to treat depression and is sometimes used for anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or panic attacks.

I understand the social events thing, I’m the same way. That’s gotta be hard man. And yes I’m doing good, thanks for asking

Hope you get to the bottom of it

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Yeah its used for panic attacks. Though when just starting it, it can make you feel worse.


Thanks man.

What meds are you on?

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I’m only on abilify injections, which I really like. I never had a very bad case of schizophrenia. So it does the trick for me. I just hope I’m not getting used to/building a tolerance to it.

I’ve only had one panic attack before, which was pretty bad and embarrassing. So I can relate a little. I couldn’t imagine having them everyday. Do you ever get used to them?

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I don’t get them everyday thankfully. More like 2 to 3 times a week recently.

And nah man I’ve never got used to them. They feel horrible every time.

I’m so sorry you’re suffering with panic attacks, I know how much they suck. I hope you find the answers soon @TheCanuk

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Thank you, I appreciate it.

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I have learned to manage them

Just check out for a period of time

Don’t panic the people around you

They tend to pass

But, of course that depends on what is the underlying reason

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Yeah I know. Mine dont last very long but they are intense. I always get the urge to call an ambulance cause it feels like im about to die.

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I hope you get some relief soon from these panic attacks. They can be completely debilitating, at least they were for me. I seem to get less of them as I age.

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Thanks! Im still pretty young (29) so hopefully as I get older they start to improve.


Ever thought about therapy? I’m sure they could at least teach you some coping mechanisms for when they happen. I’ve never had any luck with therapy, but i would if I were you.


Yeah therapy would probably be good for me. A combination of meds and therapy is best for anxiety.

I know how you feel

The first time I was sure it was a heart attack

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I don’t take benzos for anxiety and panic attacks…learned how to control the fear associated with it…it takes practice, you have to divert your immediate attention away from the fear…


I had one yesterday morning, they suck! Sorry you have to go through them as well.

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