Just got up...good morning

just cruising on the internet and drinking coffee…“detroit rock city” soundtrack blaring…haha what are you doing?

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Just woke up and stressing about things like the living rooms a mess and hubby has gone overboard with packets of biscuits. Things have been rough for a few days, i feel like im stressed all time

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so sorry…house cleaning is a bummer I know.

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It’s almost 5am. Just took my fasting blood sugar. It’s a bit too high, but I’m not surprised because I’m off Ozempic right now.

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Why are you off ozempic? Are you diabetic

I’ve got type 2 diabetes. Because someone allowed people to buy it for cosmetic reasons, there’s a world wide shortage and the people who need it can’t get it.

I take metformin for type 2
You need diabetes meds to control it are you going to go on something

I’m on Jardiance. Metformin made me very sick. I’ve been on Jardiance since 2018, but I’d really like to eat super strict, and reverse the type 2. But I ate too much yesterday. Abilify makes me hungry as a hippo.


Oh good that your taking something lol , i thought you weren’t taking anything

Meds with coffee ATM lol


Oh no bad abilify making you overeat ugh

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